During our Get Coached Challenge we will meet live for two days, and I’ll teach you how to get really freaking clear on what you desire, increase your motivation, get unstuck, and begin walking in a life made of your design versus living your life our of default.
Here’s the important part…
1. Check your email for your confirmation. We’ll be going LIVE on Tuesday & Wednesday Oct 3rd – 4th at 10am PST / 1pm EST
!! My masterclasses are a completely immersive experience. The more you give and be present, the more you’ll get out.
2. DM me “I’M IN” at @carmenohling and tell me where you are feeling stuck in your life right now!!
3. Subscribe to my FREE community by Texting “INSPIRE” to (503) 386-2981 and receive actionable prompts that allow you to flow into your new season of life every day.