My signature retreat, The Permission Slip Retreat is coming up so soon in Tulum, Mexico, October 8th-11th and you have had so many questions about what to expect, traveling internationally, if the retreat is for you and more! My intention for this retreat is that you feel nourished, seen, connected, and even a little stretched. From the moment you arrive on Saturday to the when you leave on Tuesday you are in an experience and there is an intention and flow to everything we do at the retreat.
Who you are on Saturday when you walk in and who you are on Tuesday when you walk out will be a totally different woman. I can’t wait to see you, connect with you, learn and grow with you and have fun with you in Tulum in October!
Click HERE details on the Tulum Retreat October 8-11th 2022! Use this code at checkout through, August 21st, 2022 to save $222 off your ticket: FLASH