Are you “in the middle”? 
This idea came up during our Amplified Accelerator introductory call this week. The Accelerator is a group of high performers who recognize that to reach the next level in life and business, they need to surround themselves with growth-minded individuals who want to learn, collaborate, and build… TOGETHER! 
So, what does it mean to be “in the middle”? 
The group decided collectively: we’re done with being in the middle. Being “in the middle” often looks like: 
  1. Settling for less than your potential.
  2. Allowing busyness to take the lead instead of intentional, purpose-driven action.
  3. Feeling stuck between your past achievements and future vision.
  4. Playing it safe, rather than taking bold steps that scare you.
Now, how do you identify being in the middle in your own life or business?

Think of the times when you’ve: 

  • Settled for “good enough” rather than pushing for what’s possible. 
  • Felt burnt out but didn’t ask for help because you were “managing” instead of leading. 
  • Postponed big decisions because it felt safer to stay where you are. 
  • Repeated old patterns in your business without asking, “Is this really working for me?”  
Recognizing these moments is your first step out of the middle. 
What can you do right now to shift
  1. Become a beginner again. Put yourself in environments where your dreams and goals are other people’s realities. Stretch yourself by seeking out new experiences and fresh perspectives.
  2. Amplify what you’re already doing. Take what’s working and 10x it. Seek out alternative ideas and approaches that elevate your current success to the next level.
  3. Take action, because maybe it’s BOTH 1 & 2 for you! 
Answer these questions honestly:
  • What do I need to maintain during this season of growth?
  • What should I let go of or adjust to make room for new possibilities?
  • Who do I need in my corner to make it happen?
What’s Next? 
Are you ready to stop living in the middle and start amplifying your life? If you’re serious about stepping into a new season of growth, I encourage you to take action today. 

Join us in the Amplified Accelerator—where we break out of the middle and reach for our highest potential together. Whether it’s personal or professional growth, this community will challenge you, support you, and hold you accountable to your next-level goals. 

Let’s amplify your life. 

Ready to take the leap? 
Schedule a free Discovery Call to see if this is your season to join us in the Accelerator. Your next level awaits!  CLICK HERE to chat.
If you’re not ready, I still want to hear from you – Share your thoughts about “being in the middle” in your life in the comments….  Excited to hear! 


Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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