3 Tips For Busy Women to Stay Healthy and Put Themselves First

As we in the United States, begin to transition in phases from quarantine to being out and about more in our communities, it’s extremely easy to get overwhelmed or feel anxious. Especially as women, we are often the caretakers, the shoppers, the controller of finances, and we still want to be our best selves, feel good and be healthy as well! What happens often, I know this was challenging for me when my kids were young, is that women put themselves last. We have all heard it before that we can’t show up and help others unless we are helping ourselves first but somehow that gets neglected. So, I want to share with you today three simple strategies to stay healthy and put yourself first.  If you implement these, you will reduce you overwhelm, improve your health, and feel happier overall!

Tip #1: Nourish your body with whole real foods consistently during the day.

You might be thinking who has the time to be cooking and preparing such complicated meals? Well don’t worry- I’ve got your back with some simple, fast, healthy and delicious meals that you can make to improve your energy and feel amazing, even with a busier schedule.  Click HERE for 7 simple recipes that I know you’ll love!

Tip #2: Practice daily self-awareness

One of the keys to reducing stress and living a joyful life, is living in the present moment. Specifically, this means not dwelling in the past and not worrying about the future. The key to living in the present is being super self-aware. So how do you do that if you are constantly being pulled in all directions? Here is what I suggest: set aside five minutes in the morning, five minutes in the afternoon and five minutes in the evening to check in with yourself. In the morning start by writing down your intention for the day and how you want to feel first thing in the morning.  Then, as afternoon rolls around, check in to make sure your actions are matching your aspirations during the day and then at the end of the day celebrate your wins. Be sure to include what you’re proud of accomplishing and this will help build momentum for the next day.

3: Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Again, we all have heard the importance of sleep, but I am here to tell you that sleep is really the catalyst to everything in life- it’s our bodies time for rest and recovery. And guess what? When we don’t get sleep we’re less effective during the day, we’re less creative, more apt to snap at our love ones around us and we’re more likely to eat non-nourishing foods for our body. And guess what?  If you’re trying to lose body fat, it’s not going to happen easily for you if you’re not getting enough sleep. My recommendation is 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, so yes that means that you may have to Netflix less, social media less and get your booty into bed earlier.

I hear you, that’s easier said than done so something I’ve been using it lately is taking a 15 to 20 minute hot bath with a bath bomb from slab mule.  Let me tell you- I sleep like a baby every time! Other things that you can do before bed is trying out that five minute journaling exercise that I mentioned earlier, doing some deep breathing or a quick meditation (try googling yoga nidra, do a free video on YouTube that’s my favorite!) Lastly, be sure to put down your constant companion a.k.a. your cell phone at least an hour before bed.

I am the first to tell you that all of these ideas that I’m sharing with you today are simple, but at times they can be hard to implement. So, start with the one that you feel would be most helpful to you and do that for a full week then add another one. With consistency you’ll find that you’re less stressed, more present in everyday life and overall feeling so much better with your energy and your health!

I’d love to hear from you!  Which tip are you going to try first?  Shoot me a DM on Instgram @carmenohling!


Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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