The 5 Day Celery Juice Challenge
Yes, I did it! I jumped on the celery juice bandwagon. Knowing that drinking celery juice would not hurt me, I was curious if I would discover the amazing benefits that are claimed by The Medical Medium and others. Here’s a quick recap of the benefits they suggest:
Check it out here:
My final opinion is this…
If you love celery juice and it helps you start your day on a healthy note, go for it! Listening to your body is the absolute best test that you can take! Celery juice will not be the cure all if you eat the SAD diet (AKA- Standard American Diet.) Just like taking any other supplements, they are meant to supplement your diet. You should always start with FOOD FIRST and then add supplements as needed. Will celery juice cure all of your alignments and a ton of fat off your body, NO.
So that’s it, my review. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or want to chat further about starting your day with celery juice:
Check out some of my other food challenges here: