And just like that, fall officially kicks off this weekend – and so does the Amplify Your Life Growth Summit in Bend, Oregon! 
While we’re diving into growth and transformation at the Summit, the season is shifting outside, too. Maybe you’re excited to have the kids back in school, or maybe, like me, you don’t treat summer any differently than the rest of the year when it comes to work. No “summer slowdown” here.
That said, summer still brings up thoughts of spending time outside with family and friends, taking trips, and getting some mental distance from work. The sunshine, BBQs, all of it. 
But here’s the thing: I don’t think those rare, extended vacations are what truly keep us recharged and ready to go long-term
Real energy and health come from the small, consistent habits we integrate into our daily, weekly, and monthly routines. 
Last year, I took a month-long break in Tulum to write, reflect, and create before a big pivot in the business. And yeah, I’m grateful I could do that.
But should it take completely shutting down for a month—or half a year—to feel rested? 
Absolutely not.
More often than not, burnout comes from failing to think ahead, plan effectively, and focus on the day-to-day rhythms that matter.
Take Jeff Bezos.
Regardless of what you think about him, you can’t deny he’s mastered the art of being an efficient leader. Over the years, I’ve borrowed some of his tips on prioritization, and mixed in my own routines to stay high energy and enthusiastic, without needing to run myself into the ground—or rely on long breaks to recover.
If we can master the art of being effective during normal work hours, we won’t just be living for the weekends or the next big vacation.
It’s about getting out of survival mode and into thriving mode.

Here are five Bezos-inspired tips I’ve found to be game-changers in maintaining that balance and energy, both at work and in life: 

#1: Focus on quality over quantity. 

Make three high-quality decisions a day. That’s it.

Bezos himself has said that if he can make three good decisions in a day, that’s enough. We may not have the luxury to delegate everything like he does, but we can focus on making fewer, higher-impact decisions. It’s good for your well-being and it’s even better for your team when you’re able to delegate and share the load.

#2: Don’t wait for perfect information. 

Once you’ve got 70% of the information, it’s time to act. Waiting for 100% data or clarity leads to indecision and lost opportunities.

I get it—if you’re a perfectionist, this feels tough. But we can’t afford to wait for the stars to align perfectly. As Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, says, “Trust your gut and intuition more.” When you move forward confidently, you’ll find you free up energy and capacity for what matters most.


#3: Make decisions when you’re at your best. 
Know your rhythms. Bezos tackles big decisions between 10 AM and noon because he’s at his sharpest during that time.

Take time to identify when you’re most energized and make your biggest moves during those peak hours. I know I’m not at my best on Friday afternoons, so I front-load my week with important decisions and save the less demanding work for the end of the week.


#4: Protect your time like a fortress. 
Bezos is known for guarding his time fiercely. He keeps his mornings for important decisions and avoids “filler” activities.

We may not all have the flexibility to shape our schedules exactly like that, but we can intentionally block time for high-priority work. Start small—whether it’s carving out a few hours to focus each morning or limiting back-to-back meetings.


#5: Say no more often. 
Bezos has mastered the art of saying no, and it’s something we all need to get better at. Saying no to things that don’t align with your priorities frees up your time and mental energy for what truly matters.

Protecting your boundaries is essential to avoid burnout and maintain focus. Whether it’s turning down a meeting or skipping an opportunity that doesn’t align with your goals, get comfortable with saying no.



There’s no magic bullet to mastering this balance, but I challenge you to pick one of these tips and start implementing it today. Then, hit reply and let me know how it goes—I want to hear what resonates with you. 
For more, follow The Amplified Life Company @carmenohling on LinkedIn and Instagram 


Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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