- I interrupted, thinking I was adding value—only to leave the other person feeling unheard and unimportant.
- I made a rushed decision that cost our organization thousands of dollars.
- I said yes to a good opportunity, but it was unaligned with our vision—pulling us away from our true goals.
- I clung so tightly to being right that I unknowingly limited myself from new connections and opportunities.
- I reacted emotionally to a challenge instead of responding with clarity—and lost trust in the process.
- I overcommitted, thinking it was leadership, when in reality, it was avoidance.
- What if you truly listened—not just to respond, but to understand?
- What if you embraced curiosity instead of clinging to the need to be right?
- What if you stepped out of the spotlight and found wisdom in quiet observation?
- What if you gave yourself permission to say no, instead of defaulting to yes?
- What if, before making any decision, you paused and asked for guidance?
- What if you took three deep breaths before slipping into the same patterns that keep pulling you away from your bigger vision?
Yet, in leadership, we often choose to hold back for the wrong reasons—what we call withholding or failing to speak with true candor.
1️. Fear – Fear of conflict, rejection, or being perceived as too bold or disruptive.
2️. Control – Believing that by keeping information to ourselves, we maintain power or influence.
3️. Avoidance – Dodging discomfort, difficult conversations, the fear of adding more to your never-ending to-do list, or the responsibility that comes with speaking the truth.
- Restraint before relating.
- Restraint before revealing.
- Restraint before recommending.
- Restraint before reacting.
- Restraint before redirecting.
- Restraint before rejecting.
- Restraint before resolution.