Our Supernatural Breakthroughs During 21-Day Daniel Fast and Other Key Takeaways

Our Supernatural Breakthroughs During 21-Day Daniel Fast and Other Key Takeaways

This week Joal and I completed the 21-Day Daniel Fast, which began on my 43rd birthday on January 4th.  If you’re not familiar with the Daniel Fast, no it’s not about losing weight for the new year, it’s about giving something up to grow in your spiritual maturity.  In our case we focused on giving up animal protein, coffee, alcohol, sugar, processed foods, and basically anything that was not water or grown from the earth.  So, in essence, we were eating vegan with zero white flour or sugar or processed food. 

Ultimately, Daniel Fast is about making space for God to do his work in your life.  I was interested to find out how much I was attached to certain rituals with food or ways of eating!  Before you tell yourself, “That sounds horrible!” keep reading as I share with you some of the supernatural breakthroughs we’ve experienced and other key takeaways that you can use in your life…

The first four days were rough, I had a headache each day and my body ached.  This was the interesting part for me because I am an overall super healthy person; I eat good, workout, and practice mindfulness each day.  Logistically, the biggest thing I was giving up was coffee and animal protein, because I already follow a gluten, dairy, soy, and refined sugar free way of living.  Prior to the fast on any typical day, I would drink 2-3 cups of coffee (okay sometimes 4- maybe there’s a problem here) and eat 130-150g of protein each day.  On the Daniel Fast I was eating around 50g of protein each day and only drinking water.  As I reflected on this early time in the fast, this is where most people would give up and tell themselves it’s too hard or for some reason count themselves out and go back to what is comfortable. Here’s what I know about comfort friends… it drains your enthusiasm, it keeps you in low vibrational thought patterns, and it kills your calling.  Joal and I both knew that if we stuck it out and stayed in the work with daily prayer and worship, God would bring us through- and he did! Our “why” was so much bigger than our feelings at any given moment.  Our daily prayer was: “Less of me and more of you.”

On day 8 of our fast, we found that Transformation Church was doing a corporate prayer and fasting daily that we could join live on YouTube each night.  Our new nightly routine was that we’d make dinner and join in their worship versus our typical routine of watching TV.  We’d also reflect daily on our top 3 wins, 3 gratitudes, and give thanks for the blessing and miracles God brought us through the day.  I’ll tell you what, there were days that my ego self would try to sneak in and tell me I was too tired to pray and worship and I would have to bring myself very intentionally to be fully present with the service each night. It was also such a huge support that Joal and I were doing this together so even when I “didn’t feel like it” he would encourage me!

The final day of our fast we flew across the country to surprise a few of our family and friends with an “after holiday” visit, which was the perfect way to end the experience.  Joal and I have completed the Daniel Fast one other time together, back in 2021 and that’s when we received the fresh revelation about moving to Miami Beach- and we moved the very next month!  When you create space for God (Spirit, Source, the Universe whatever you call it) and are consistent with your daily prayer and meditation practices he works fast!

There were so many miracles, lessons, and blessings during this fast, and a few of them we’ll keep to ourselves, but below is a list that I’d love to share with you today…

1. God revealed to me that there were times in my life when my intentions were not as pure as they could be, and he wanted me to check in with my heart.  My deep desire is always to have pure intentions, but I had to admit that there were times that I expected something in return or felt as though I deserved something that clouded this pure intention.  I’ve raised my awareness around this, and I believe we all can.

2. God connected me with the Florida Speakers Association, a group of highly motivated, gifted, and giving speaking professionals as a way to strengthen my strengths (a key message from TC at a nightly prayer early in the fast.)  Plus, I am getting even more uncomfortable and signing up for a storytelling contest!

3. One night after service, I asked Joal, “What’s in Tulsa?” – he didn’t know and neither did I but the one thing we did know is that is where Transformation Church is located. The next day I received the nudge to start speaking once a month as a way to give back to groups, schools, and the community as a whole.  This was an exciting revelation for me!  The following week I had a meeting with a new connection that came to me after someone saw me speak in Idaho last year.  The connection was with Bri Seeley and we hit it off right away.  Then, at the end of our conversation she said, “One of the reasons I wanted to connect with you was that I host an annual non-profit event here in Tulsa and I would be honored to have you as one of our keynote speakers!”  WHAT?!?!?  Of course, that happened, thank you – more please!

4. After the first 4 days, I felt so alive and energetic.  Waking up each day with the anticipation of what God was doing in our life was so electrifying! And, even though we were eating way less than “normal” God was sustaining our strength and endurance to do our daily walks, workouts, work, and more!

5. Lastly, if you’ve not done something meaningful with your significant other in a while or ever- I encourage you, now is the time.  This experience not only shifted something in each of us individually but our love, depth of communication, and ability to dream as a couple was expanded to the next level.

If you haven’t had a takeaway yet, below are a few key messages I wrote about, and I am sure that there is something here for you…

  • Examine what you are consuming.  I am not meant to “do it” like everyone else.
  • Hope is a happy anticipation that something good is going to happen to you.
  • Say it from the heart, not the head.
  • Study it, be in it, teach it, speak it, and simplify it all.
  • Optimize everything for maximum impact.
  • I have to be challenged to receive spiritual maturity.  Allow the friction to sharpen your spiritual edge.
  • This fast is a short season of sacrifice that produces long term success.
  • In 2024 I declare there is way less: hiding my wisdom, getting lost in the details, feeling guilty for taking time alone, downplaying my significance, and seeking approval of others. 
  • What would my prayers sound like if they were fiery, gutsy, intimate, and real?
  • It’s all coming.  Wait and see.  You will be in awe.  No matter what is happening around you or what anyone else is doing – keep going.
  • My vision from God is necessary because there are lives attached to my life and the vision.  I am essential.  
  • I will prepare and position myself with patience and excellence for what I pray for because I know that God is expanding my capacity and giving me the wisdom and understanding to hold what he is about to bless me with so that I may be a magnificent reflection of him to bless the world. 
  • Even when there is a gift given, if you don’t feel like you deserve it, you can’t receive it.
  • Joy is my birthright, simply open to the door to allow access to it. LET THE JOY IN!
  • We are all devoted to something.  What are you devoted to? Does it align with your vision for your life? 


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog today.  My hope and prayer is that you were able to experience a miracle by reading this.  A Course In Miracles defines a miracle simply as a shift in your perception.  


Have a blessed week,


2024 Is All About Making Things Significant

2024 Is All About Making Things Significant

Each year I select a word for the year to guide me thoughts, decisions, and actions for the year.  This year is no different and I have been playing around with a few words. I shared them last week in my newsletter, and they included: amplify, leadership, collaboration, and depth.
Still, there wasn’t that one. There wasn’t that one word that encompassed what God was doing within me this year and that I was stepping so boldly into doing in the world this year.  Until last week on my God walk one morning.  2024 is all about making things significant.
I went right home and dove into the meaning of the word, and below is the meaning that I came up with.  (Note: if you’re into wordsmithing like me, be sure to check out the Webster 1828 Dictionary)


Expressive of something beyond the external mark, having an effect and standing as a sign of something momentous.
The first thing that stood out to me is the phrase “beyond the external mark.”  When something is beyond the external mark, I concluded that it then means it’s and internal mark- an intrinsic motivation rather than being motivated from outside influence.
The two other words that stood out were “effect” and “momentous.”  When you put these two words together they produce growth, change, and miracles.
So, First name, here we are friends.  In 2024, I am committed to continuing to do the work on the inside of myself so that I can show up as my highest and best for myself, my family and friends, and YOU.  Because when I show up fully, and no longer downplay my significance then it exudes out of me and spilly over to you so that it produces a significant impact in your life too.
Here’s to being significant and experiencing significant growth, change, and miracles together in 2024!
The Inner Struggles We Have Each Day And The Root Cause

The Inner Struggles We Have Each Day And The Root Cause

The thing that came to the forefront of my mind is: assumptions
Let me frame this for you. Think of the last time you felt disappointed. Now, think of the last time you felt discouraged. Lastly, think of the last time you felt like you weren’t good enough (at anything.)
What do each of these scenarios have in common?   ASSUMPTIONS!!
You were disappointed because you assumed your significant other knew what you wanted, and they did the opposite. You were left discouraged because you assumed that you were going to hear back about that opportunity right away and you didn’t (but then you did a week later.) You felt like you didn’t measure up when you entered the room and assumed that everyone else was more experienced than you (they weren’t.)
I can’t count the number of times I made an assumption, and I was wrong. 
Next time you make an assumption- or in other words jump to a conclusion, misjudge someone, or make something mean something that has zero meaning- consider that you might be wrong.  So when the feelings of discouragement, disappointment, and unworthiness arise ask yourself: “what if I am wrong, what would be possible?” 
Allow this new perspective shift (also known as a miracle) elevate your energy, your attitude, and motivation.
This works. 
I’ve tested it.
My clients have tested it.
Now it’s your turn to test it.
I’ll leave you with this: 

If we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that sometimes our assumptions and preconceived notions are wrong, and therefore, our interpretation of events is incorrect. This causes us to overreact, to take things personally, or to judge people unfairly. – Elizabeth Thornton 


Here’s to miracles daily in our lives,



What do Mark Cuban, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, and Barack Obama all have in common each day?

What do Mark Cuban, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, and Barack Obama all have in common each day?

“In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time — none. Zero.”Charlie Munger

What do Mark Cuban, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, and Barack Obama all have in common each day? They are all voracious readers who have reported to follow the 5-hour rule. Let’s dive into that today… 

The 5-hour rule is a concept that involves spending one hour each weekday, learning, reflecting, and experimenting. It’s a practice embraced by many successful leaders, entrepreneurs, and thinkers.

The breakdown typically involves:

  • Reading (or other learning): Spend one hour each day reading books, articles, or other educational material to stay informed and continually expand your knowledge base.

  • Reflection: Dedicate time to reflect on your experiences, decisions, and challenges. Use this hour to gain insights, learn from mistakes, and refine your approach.

  • Experimentation (or application): Allocate one hour for experimenting with new ideas, applying new knowledge, or working on personal projects. Hands-on experience enhances understanding and skills.

Why I love it – The 5-hour rule is powerful because of its simplicity, and it enables me to be a thought leader and stay relevant in an ever-changing leadership environment. I am into making things simpler, less chaotic, more introspective – leading to expansion – and I invite you to join me and these other high-performing individuals.

What are you choosing to step into for 2024?

What are you choosing to step into for 2024?

I hope you had a blessed, connected, joyful holiday earlier this week. Joal and I were home in Miami Beach creating new traditions, exploring, and being in a state of gratitude for our lives- it was very peaceful and fun!
As we go into the New Year, I want to encourage you to continue to create space in your life. Without space life is difficult to fully experience. Without experiences we are left feeling uncertain and unfulfilled.  When we can love the world we live in, that’s when we can actually live in it! 
What are you choosing to step into for 2024?  
I am fully stepping into my significance as a natural leader and amplifier of gifts.
Here’s a quote I’d like for you to read and then sit with and discern for yourself, and I highly encourage journaling what comes up for you as well! 
“The way to live a full life is to act quickly.  Particularly as you grow older, it’s alarmingly easy to let a year or two (or five) slip by without doing the big things you always felt like doing. You get into a rhythm—not necessarily one you love, but one you become comfortable repeating—and the grooves of your daily routine become deeper and more established.
Speed is perpetually undervalued. That doesn’t mean you should feel frantic or rushed. In fact, it’s likely you should eliminate some of the things that make you feel so busy to make space for things you always wanted to do. But it definitely means you should stop letting the days drift by waiting for the moment to be right.
Stop acting like there is infinite time. This—the way you are living right now—is your one life.” – James Clear
Lastly, this year it’s not enough to know that you are enough.  I want you to know that you’ve always done the best you can with what you had.  I want you to know that you are amazing and unique, filled with gifts and strengths that at times you have forgotten.  
2024 is the time for you to remember!
You are being called forward.  We are all being calling forward to a newfound sense of energy and aliveness that illuminates the world.  No matter what you’re feeling right now, know that this is true.
I see you.  I believe in you.  You are not alone.  You are fully supported and loved.  And, I am right here learning and growing with you.
If you are reading this you can feel my energy- know that I am here, and together in 2024 we are going to amplify our lives so that we can amplify our voices and BE THE ONE to illuminate the world! 
You are truly a gift to the world, and the world needs more of you, First name / friend.

I love you. 

Happy New Year,
Carmen Ohling

PS – If you want to chat, get clarity, get ideas, or simply ask my advice I have made a few times available for you in January. Click HERE to grab one for yourself.


Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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