Feel Good This Holiday Season with These Simple Self-Care Hacks

Feel Good This Holiday Season with These Simple Self-Care Hacks

With the holidays approaching, it’s so important to keep in mind that we WANT TO FEEL GOOD during the holidays. And, in order to feel good, WE NEED TO TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES!!!
Here are my simple hacks to be sure I take care of myself during the holidays…. 
1. Use superfoods daily!
a. Sunshine Drops in 20oz of water each morning.
b. Cacao Magic and/or Butterfly Boost in my coffee each day.
c. 1 shot of Tough Mother Steept each day. (hello immunity upgrade!)
2. Move your body multiple times each day!
a. Walk 10-20 minutes after meals
b. Get your heart rate up for a minimum of 20 minutes daily.
c. Stand vs sit while working on the computer often.
d. Take the stairs, park further away, do walking meetings, etc.
3. Recognize your limits and honor your body!
a. Rest when you need to rest, even if it’s simply a 20-minute break to lay down.
b. Ask for what you need; we all need help sometimes – ASK!
c. Say no. When you need to say no, say it.
4. Have fun, don’t be so damn serious all the time!
a. Play games, let your hair down, laugh until you pee your pants (or almost!)
b. Say yes to trying new things.
c. Make space for spontaneous joy and be flexible with your plans
Here’s to feeling good this holiday season!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate…”

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate…”

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
This is a quote by Marianne Williamson.
It’s one of my favorite quotes of all time. 
It’s what I say to myself every time I’m afraid. Every time I doubt myself. Every time I question my own abilities. Every time I want to speak up even though it would be easier to stay silent.
This is how I’m able to show myself the truth about who I am, especially when I forget my own inner strength. 
Everyone needs to be reminded of just how powerful they are. You are absolutely powerful beyond measure. 
And the moment you start really believing this (with your full heart and soul) will be the moment everything changes for you. 
The world needs you.
Get out there and try your best. 
Use your voice. 
Be a source of light, strength, and love. 
Being Selfish VS. Self-care

Being Selfish VS. Self-care

My friend, Jeremy Scott shared this on his podcast last week, and it really stuck with me:
“Being selfish means there’s a desire to take from others, often to their detriment. However, self-care is about replenishing your resources without depleting someone else’s. Self-care is a means of restoring your own energy, which promotes healthy physical and emotional well-being.” 
The question to myself and to you after reading this is: 
What am I choosing for self care currently? Is it sufficient, am I feeling replenished? Where am I saying YES, where I really need to say NO so that I can care for myself? Am I holding a limiting belief about being selfish?
I am excited to hear what you come up with this week. Hit reply and let me know! 
Do you want to learn more about writing in the AM and how you can begin a practice like this?

Do you want to learn more about writing in the AM and how you can begin a practice like this?

I love starting a fresh new journal, it’s like a fresh start of sorts. I have saved my journals for years and it’s so fun to go back and read them and celebrate how far I’ve come or find gold nuggets that I’ve forgotten about!  I started a new journal this month on Friday, October 6th in Portland, Oregon. I always write the day, date, and location when I write.
I write in the morning as part of my morning rituals. Journaling for me is a way to get through surface-level thoughts, and then tap into my deepest inner thoughts. These thoughts are often inaccessible to me once I start my day, but they are easily accessible in the morning when I feel most connected. This is also the time that I free write about my dreams and visions for my life and my service to others. I give thanks for these things and declare them done; I am expectant of good things in my life every day. 
Here’s something I wrote on Oct 6, 2023:
“There is a level of myself, of each of us that we have yet to discover. The “me” that we have been is often blocking us from the next level of intimacy and connection that is required for our next level growth. The dream has not changed; it’s simply requiring a new depth. Dig deeper.” 
Do you want to learn more about writing in the AM and how you can begin a practice like this? 
I personally invite you to join Flow Academy Holistic Life Coach, Chrystal Hart, as she leads us through a free 30-day Awakened Words Morning Page challenge. I am so excited to join this with Chrystal and each of you as she walks us through how to get started, exactly what to do, and then helps us all share in the beauty and breakthroughs of an AM writing practice. 
See you in November for the writing challenge, join HERE! 
I am on a mission for you to remember who you truly are before life and the world began telling you who you should be.

I am on a mission for you to remember who you truly are before life and the world began telling you who you should be.

In my coaching practice and in Flow Academy, we talk a lot about relationships. The relationships with ourselves, our higher power, and the relationships with have with others. All play key parts to the holistic success, happiness, and joy in our lives…


Instead of nurturing these relationships…


We isolate ourselves, thinking we need to do it all ourselves or that we are the only one with challenges.

We cut off our connection to our inner guidance systems by overthinking and controlling.

We want so badly to be seen, yet in the moments we can, we shrink.


How do I know this to be TRUE? 


Because this was me.  This was me for years, and if I am not self-aware, it’s so easy to fall back into these old patterns because my nervous system was so comfortable here.


It’s the reason I started the mission to impact the lives of over 1 million people- to BE THE ONE to show the world how truly great life can be, through Flow Academy. 


In Flow Academy, you gain the tools, resources, and connections you need to uplevel your life, business, health, and relationships. I use the word, “uplevel” because it’s not about CHANGING yourself. I am not on a mission to change anyone.  I am on a mission for you to remember who you truly are before life and the world began telling you who you should be.  To empty out all the old BS conditioning that we all cling to because it helps us feel safe, seen, and accepted. To empty out and start over, going somewhere new that only your truest most authentic highest version of you can go.  It’s a place where you get into THE ZONE OF FLOW in your life and shut out all the noise, fear, distractions, and old limiting beliefs so that you can achieve whatever you want in whatever you do- because guess what, it’s already inside of you!


I will show you. We will do it together. Buckle up, this is going to be fun. Click HERE so we can chat with you about your life, your dreams, your challenges, and start clearing the blocks so you can remember who the f**k you are!


Here’s a quote I will leave you with today…


“Your relationships will rarely be healthier than your self-esteem. If the time you spend alone is already enjoyable to some degree—that is, if you have a healthy internal monologue and generally feel good about yourself—then you will have a fairly high bar for the type of relationships you’ll enter. But if you’re unhappy with yourself, then you are more likely to put up with bad relationships because they may occasionally make you feel better than you do alone. If you want a great relationship, the first thing you want is to be comfortable with yourself.”

– James Clear


Together, we can change the world. I am excited for you to join me,




PS- This is your last chance until Spring, 2024 to lock arms and join our mission to change the lives of over 1 million people and get coaching like this from me. Book your call HERE to see if there’s still a space to join us and learn more!


Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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