How I’m Turning Setbacks into Success

How I’m Turning Setbacks into Success

I am writing a book.

Well, technically, last year, I wrote a rough draft of a book.

I committed to the priority of writing this year in a substantial way, multiple times a week, in order to produce another manuscript, a book proposal and sign with a book agent.

I just did our mid-year review, both personally and as a company.

Can you guess how much progress I have made towards the new manuscript?


You read that right, zero.

I do have to give myself a small amount of credit because I have written some pretty compelling newsletters this year both to you, our community and posted on LinkedIn.

This work is not wasted, it’s quality and impactful for the readers and practice for me…

….but, that does not substantially get me closer to my goal.


Have you reflected on your 2024 priorities and goals yet?  If not, now is the time!

You see, this lack of perceived progress could be discouraging, in fact, many times in the past, not achieving the outcome I set out to achieve would have been extremely discouraging, and in fact I may have even counted myself out completely from continuing. 

This year is different.  My mindset is different.  I see through a lens of expansion vs limitation and know that these results are only information.  This information is what I can use as fuel to make a different decision, take action, and build a sense of enthusiasm for the dream.  They mean nothing about my worth or ability, and I hold no judgement.

Maybe you’re in my boat, too.  If so, here’s what I am doing to move forward:

Instead of asking what I did wrong, I asked what did I learn?  I learned that I do very well with discipline, planning, organization, and accountability.  When I go through times of my plate being full, I am not giving 100% to these 4 pillars of success.  Why?  Because they take time; they take building in the whitespace to think, reflect, and plan.  My ego self likes to be a “do-er” and it’s very easy for me to start “doing” but often it’s not on the things that really matter, the things that will really move the needle.


I am learning that when I do these two things weekly and daily, I can strongly uphold these pillars:

  1. Sunday planning session for the week ahead.  This means planning out my calendar, my workouts, doing some meal prep, working with Joal to sync up our weeks, delegating, and planning my 20% that I will do in each daily work session.
  2. No matter what, each day I complete my task that is part of my 20% (the 20% is the important needle-moving tasks that only I can do), write out 3 WINS at the end of each day, 3 things I am grateful for, and something that I learned.  This ensures that I have momentum towards my priorities and I stay high vibe, aligned and in a growth mindset.
  3. I communicate my goals to others (to help hold me accountable) and I also communicate my fears and doubts that come up during the week so that I can quickly get back into alignment and in action.

The next thing that I am doing is weekly tracking, with a new tracking sheet for my KPIs (key performance indicators) for both our company and my personal goals.


Instead of waiting until the end of the quarter or month, we are reviewing this weekly, all through the lens of these two things:

  1. What can we celebrate this week?
  2. What did we learn this week?
  3. Who do we need to help?
  4. How did I serve that I am the most proud of?
  5. What one focus for the upcoming week will make the biggest impact?


So here we are now into the second week of July and I am writing again in a substantial way.  Writing that sentence brought a huge smile to my face.  I hope that you can review your 2024 progress to reflect, adjust, and take action as well.

Before you know it, we’ll be smiling together.  (Please do send a pic and tag me @carmenohling)


Here’s to an abundance of success and learning in 2024,


Is Work-Life Balance a Myth? Here’s Why Integration Is the New Game-Changer!

Is Work-Life Balance a Myth? Here’s Why Integration Is the New Game-Changer!

Society talks a lot about this idea of work-life balance.  To me, there is no such thing as balance, but there is integration.  Integration of your deepest priorities in this season of your life.  Ensuring you have vision, clarity, and focus on these priorities, and take the steps necessary each day to fulfill them. 

In both our workplace training, and 1-1 coaching we teach this and it’s a game-changer for so many individuals and teams.  

Two specific results we’ve seen are:

  1.   Dreaming a new dream that’s not limited to what everyone around you is doing and then going all in. Renting out their home and traveling the world doing work they love as a family. Learning, growing, and exploring together.
  2.   Developing team communication “agreements” that greatly reduced distractions, misunderstandings, and misguided urgency that is not an urgent matter.  Leaving the team feeling less overwhelmed, feeling more supported, and doubling their productivity.

One great example of work-life integration comes from Netflix co-founder Mark Randolph, and he writes:

I’ve worked hard, for my entire career, to keep my life balanced with my job. In my book, I write about my Tuesday date nights with my wife. For over thirty years, I had a hard cut-off on Tuesdays. Rain or shine, I left at exactly 5 pm and spent the evening with my best friend. We would go to a movie, have dinner, or just go window-shopping downtown together.

Nothing got in the way of that. No meeting, no conference call, no last-minute question or request. If you had something to say to me on Tuesday afternoon at 4:55, you had better say it on the way to the parking lot. If there is a crisis, we are going to wrap it up by 5:00.

Those Tuesday nights kept me sane. And they put the rest of my work in perspective.

I resolved a long time ago to not be one of those entrepreneurs on their 7th startup and their 7th wife. In fact, the thing I’m most proud of in my life is not the companies I started, it’s the fact that I was able to start them while staying married to the same woman; having my kids grow up knowing me and (best as I can tell) liking me, and being able to spend time pursuing the other passions in my life.

That’s my definition of success.

It seems to me that Mark is clear on his priorities: self, wife, family, work – in that order.  I am sure that the integration of these 4 things ebb and flow over the years but I am 100% obsessed with the fact that the Tuesday nights with his wife never wavered, nor did the time with his kids, or the time he takes for himself.

What is your work-life integration like?  Email me at and let me know!


Here’s to designing and living lives we love,



The Importance of Designing a Life You Love and Measuring Success on Your Own Terms

The Importance of Designing a Life You Love and Measuring Success on Your Own Terms

I read this on LinkedIn recently…

I am not sharing this because I think it’s the “right” way to define success for everyone.  I am sharing this to show the importance of designing a life you truly love and measuring your success on your own terms.


For years I made the same mistake I see so many people making, following someone else’s definition of success instead of taking the time to discern one for themselves. You see, when you are following someone else’s definition of success you will never be truly fulfilled – you will always be seeking something more.  In our coaching company, we like to coin this as, “An all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied” search for more.  Leaving you feeling less than, stressed, overworked, and resentful.


But on the flip side, more can be found when you turn the mirror on yourself and define what matters most to you, then each day unreasonably go after it without regard to external environmental pressures. 


Today, I encourage you to sit down one afternoon and create the space to decide what success looks and feels like for you.

It could be a career aspiration.

It could be way more time and presence with your family.

It could be navigating your health to optimize your energy.

It could be feeling deeply connected to God and your sense of purpose. 


Have fun with it and remember this key point– there’s no wrong answer when it comes to defining your success.

You get to choose. 

I’d love to hear what you come up with, shoot me a message and share! 

Are You Overlooking Life’s Hidden Blessings? Find Out How a Penny Sparked a Journey of Gratitude and Reflection

Are You Overlooking Life’s Hidden Blessings? Find Out How a Penny Sparked a Journey of Gratitude and Reflection

Stopping on my walk this morning in beautiful, sunny Miami Beach, I picked up a shiny copper penny. It was head-side down, so I flipped it over to view the year: 2016.

Do you stop to pick up lucky pennies? What if it’s a dime, or maybe a quarter? Or do you simply walk by without a second thought? After reading this, you’ll stop every time…

As I looked at the shiny penny in my hand, I thought back to my life in 2016. Here are a few highlights from that year as I look back:

{Tip: Look back in your journal and the photos on your phone to get your memory going.}

  • Two years previously, I left my successful corporate career with JPMorgan to start my coaching company. Our intention and mission in the early years were to guide others to nourish their bodies with real food and optimize their energy and mindsets.
  • Our daughter graduated from 8th grade in June and entered her freshman year of high school in the fall of 2016.
  • We visited our son, who was attending Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. By the way, he graduated from there two years later with a biomedical engineering degree.
  • I was very passionate about training and building my physical physique during this time, too. I competed in three bodybuilding competitions that year: one in Denver, one in Washington State, and one in LA. My highest placing that year was second. I’ve always wanted to earn an overall placing… thinking it’s never too late. What do you think?
  • My bestie and I went on one of our first bestie trips (out of state) and found a “bike freeway” and a restaurant with the best ice for their drinks. Really, the ice does matter and can make or break a drink!
  • I struggled with family stuff and feeling disconnected from Joal at times this year because of challenges in our lives.
  • I also organized another girlfriend trip to Scottsdale that year, the first of many. Know that if you want something like that to happen, you’ll most likely have to BE THE ONE to make it happen!
  • Joal and I did our annual trip to Las Vegas, but this time to celebrate our niece’s 21st birthday. They won big on craps and me on roulette.
  • I spoke at the Amazing You Women’s Conference about putting yourself first and taking care of your mind, body, and spirit.
  • I read the book, A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, and it changed my life. This was my first introduction to A Course In Miracles. IYKYK.
  • I fully stepped into taking personal responsibility for my life, my results, my thoughts, my emotions…. For it all. You know that moment when you think, “Oh sh*t, maybe it’s me?!”
  • Our family dog, Knala, was officially my-ride-or-die in 2016. I still miss her every day.
  • I struggled with under-eating and over-eating after dieting for over a year for bodybuilding competitions. This took a pretty big hit on my confidence too.
  • My journaling practice was key to overcoming many of my challenges this year and became a staple in my life to this day.
  • I attended two in-person events alone, with the intention to make new, meaningful connections and push myself into uncomfortable situations for growth.

Today was a pretty cool day of reflection, all because of a lucky penny I found on the ground during my morning God walk. Thinking back to 2016, I feel so blessed today. I never dreamed that my life, health, relationship, and business would be at the level they are today.

I did a poll in our community this week around what we complain about most. The top things were: work colleagues, not enough time, stress and overwhelm, family members, and not enough money. It made me think of a quote I heard at an event by Jasmine Star: “The things you are complaining about today are the things that you once prayed for.” LET THAT SINK IN.

Each day, life is ready to present us with blessings and miracles; we simply must be open to receive them. So, next time you see that penny on the ground, I hope you pick it up. I hope it causes you to reflect. I hope that it brings you to a place of deep appreciation and gratitude for your life. I hope it inspires you to keep going.

Sending you love and high vibes!


How to Build Self-Trust and Belief in Both Your Professional and Personal Life

How to Build Self-Trust and Belief in Both Your Professional and Personal Life


I am sitting outside just after 1 pm in the afternoon on a Monday in Miami Beach.  The afternoon is humid and hot, but I am in the shade and there’s a breeze, so I am enjoying the time outside today.  As I sit I am reading and come across this statement from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and it prompted me to write.  Here’s the affirmation:

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”

I could feel this deep in my heart and a full-body agreement with this affirmation, and then I said this next profound statement out loud to myself:

“And as soon as you believe in yourself, you’ll know the next step to take.”

Whew!  Take a few deep breaths and repeat these statements to yourself.

What do you feel?

What thoughts come up for you?

I think a lot about making sure you can feel my heart through my writing.

You know the solution I always come back to?

Trusting myself.
Believing in myself.
Trusting and knowing, believing, and writing from a place of authenticity and creativity.

What if our big leadership decisions and small daily life choices were this simple?

Notice, I didn’t say it was easy. However, they can be simple and easeful if we trust ourselves and believe that we can show up as our authentic self. To show up as our highest and best, and striving to do that each day, in each experience, and endeavoring to be unreasonably captivated by each moment of creativity and authenticity.

Two lizards just ran past me, playing on the sidewalk in the Miami Beach sunshine that caught my attention from this writing. Watching them momentarily, they are doing the head-bobbing thing they do. Do you know what I am referring to? I am not totally sure why they do that, I can only assume. Let’s check the all-knowing Google….

Okay, Google has reported that lizards bob their heads for three reasons, communication, establishing territory, and attracting females. Back to trusting, knowing, and taking action from this place of self-trust and belief…

The wind is blowing a bit more now, providing nature’s all-knowing, much-appreciated air conditioning as I continue writing. Maybe you’re asking yourself, “How do I start trusting and believing in myself more?” I’ve asked myself this question many times in my life, and I’ve tried many things to build this self-trust and belief muscle. It is really like a muscle, you must use it to build it, but all too often we think that someone or something else knows better than we do and so our muscle never grows, or worse yet- it atrophies.

Here’s what I know for sure about building trust and belief in yourself both in your professional life and personal life:


1. People can be guides, inspiration, or motivation for you but if you try to do it exactly like they do it you will always fall short.  You will fall short because you are measuring yourself against them, and they are not you.  Take what you learn and test it in your life, your way.  Making this small shift from “how you should do it” to “how you do it” builds trust and belief.

2. Stop second-guessing yourself.  Actually let me put that a better way: STOP SECOND GUESSING EVERYTHING.  Get it?  Ya, I see you!  How do you know I see you?  Because I was like you… Always second-guessing each of my decisions, triple-checking my work, and replaying scenarios in my head with a lens of criticism.  Ugg, it was exhausting and instead of building trust it built my “I am not good enough story” that replayed in my head.  Start small here.  Maybe you notice you’re second-guessing what you’re going to wear for the day, go back to the first decision.  Try doing this throughout the day, then collect evidence that your first choice was a great choice- and the self-trust and belief muscle builds!

3. Find a mirror and ask for feedback.  No, not a physical mirror but I am talking about someone who is just a little further ahead than you on where you want to go in this season of your life and leadership.  Ask them the below 3 questions, but when you do be ready- the feedback will be both a reflection of where you shine and where your reflection is a little dull.
a. When you think of me, what really stands out?  Where do I shine?
b. What’s the one thing you’d call me for over anyone else?
c. One of my biggest values is learning and growing.  In your opinion what area of my life and leadership would I benefit from learning and growing in next?  Why?

Repeat steps 1-3 daily and collect your evidence!

Collecting evidence means taking a pause to fully experience the moments when you feel self-trust or self-belief deeply.  Feel the feelings in your body and anchor them in with a few deep breaths.  If you’re considering skipping this part, don’t! Tying physical sensations to your experiences locks in the feeling and moment into your short-term memory.  You can then call on your short-term memory to bolster your trust and belief daily.  Again, the more you use it the more it will grow.

Lastly, I believe in you, isn’t it time you start?


Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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