Thoughts to Amplify your Life, Business, Health, Relationships, and Faith.
What are you choosing to step into for 2024?
I hope you had a blessed, connected, joyful holiday earlier this week. Joal and I were home in Miami Beach creating new traditions, exploring, and being in a state of gratitude for our lives- it was very peaceful and fun! As we go into the New Year, I want to...
If you’ve been feeling stretched, uncertain, and a little wobbly in your faith, this is for you.
This is your personal invitation to join me for our final community connection call, which will be held on Thursday, December 28th at 12pm PST / 3pm EST. Think of it like your most impactful and important “lunch and learn” all year long! 2024 has an energy of...
Transform Your Dreams into Reality: Unlocking Guidance and Accountability for 2024!
Wow, I am blown away by your response to my letter last week. So many of you are ready for more in-person events and deep meaningful connections. Guess what, I am SO READY to be in these spaces with you too!! Here's what I want to share with you today... Dreams...
2024 Preview: Embrace Expansion, Transformation, and Connection!
As we end 2023 and get ready to begin 2024, I have been contemplating how I can best serve each of you with your growth. My mission has always been to go first into expansion and show you it's possible for you to take a jump in your life too. I am always and forever...
What attracts you to someone? Looks? Accomplishments? Physical possessions?
What attracts you to someone? Looks? Accomplishments? Physical possessions? Look, we are all human and because of that we all judge even when we don't want to judge. Consider this: what if we no longer were attracted to others because of their outward appearance or...
There is plenty of time and money for it all!
In this time of celebration and family I want to remind you that you don't have to do it all. And, you especially do not have to do it all today! Think about this quote… “Only once you give yourself permission to stop trying to do it all, to stop saying yes to...
A quick note about gratitude and appreciation…
Happy Thanksgiving! A quick note about gratitude and appreciation… “Gratitude is like a muscle. When strong, it makes us resilient. When weak, we are easily broken. You strengthen gratitude through conscious practice. You lose it through unconscious laziness.” -...
Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes
What are you making for Thanksgiving this year? I've put together some of my favorite recipes over the years for you to try! There is something for everyone here: clean eating, vegan, paleo, low-carb, whole30, anti-inflammatory, and more.... There are over 50 recipes...
Feel Good This Holiday Season with These Simple Self-Care Hacks
With the holidays approaching, it's so important to keep in mind that we WANT TO FEEL GOOD during the holidays. And, in order to feel good, WE NEED TO TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES!!! Here are my simple hacks to be sure I take care of myself during the holidays.... 1....
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate…”
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." This is a quote by Marianne Williamson. It’s one of my favorite quotes of all time. It’s what I say to myself every time I’m afraid. Every time I doubt...