Earlier this month I received this text message from one of my first mentors, Lori Harder: 

“Get in the rooms where your dreams are other people’s realities.”

I started searching back in my text messages for other messages from Lori about getting in the room, and here’s another mic drop moment that I found:

“You can only go as far as you’re willing to grow.  If you can’t seem to get unstuck, notice that you are likely holding back from putting yourself in situations, networks, rooms, and opportunities that would make you uncomfortable.  The bigger the discomfort, the bigger the opportunities!!”

These messages sparked a level of joy inside thinking about when I was just three years into my personal and professional growth journey.  I signed up for an online coaching program with Lori that was called, The Bliss Habit. It was a 12-week online program that consisted of weekly dripped content of a meditation, workbook, and video.  I remember anxiously waiting for the email each week and being so encouraged to dive into the work.  Week one was all about authenticity and had me asking inquiry questions like, who am I, what do I love, what do I want?  I remember feeling challenged by this, and it was only week number one!

Interestingly enough, I often ask my coaching clients, “What do you want” and it’s a challenge for them to give a clear, concise, authentic, and aligned answer. Try it – without any context ask yourself, “What do I want?”  Then stop and wait to see what comes through first.  Does it surprise you?  Do you immediately go to thinking about something else that you “think you should want” instead?

Back to the Bliss Habit experience, by about week seven of the twelve-week journey, I found myself allowing life to get in the way of my initial excitement and devotion to my growth.   I was still doing the work, but I realized that I was as focused and committed.  So I decided to set a goal for a reward once I completed the course, including listening to the meditations multiple times during each week. This was the absolute best decision I have ever made because the reward was to attend Lori’s upcoming event, The Bliss Project in beautiful sunny California in March of 2017. 

I was getting into the room!!!!  The best part, and most uncomfortable part is that I was doing it ALONE.  I proceeded to complete the course and set these four intentions for the event:

  1. Give.  When needed, serve.  
  2. Sit in the front.  (Now I am 100% a front seater, but here I was front-ish)
  3. Raise your hand at least once to ask a question or volunteer.
  4. Make 2 new, meaningful connections.  (You must BE THE ONE, friends!)

Saying yes to this room and saying yes to getting uncomfortable at The Bliss Project was the catalyst for my self-belief, growth, drive, and success. 

Today, I am obsessed with in-person events, both attending and hosting.  Over the years, I have had the privilege of gifting many, many live event tickets to those who would not have otherwise attended an in-person event.  And, let me tell you my heart is so full thinking about their transformations!!  

Below are pictures of a couple of the amazing humans that were recipients of gifted tickets, and kind words that one of the amazing individuals wrote to me afterwards:

“Carmen, It has been a blessing getting to know you. Ever since I won the giveaway I have been able to experience your love, your kindness and your generosity. The conference, the speakers and attendees and all amazing and a beautiful example to me. I am in awe of what I experienced this weekend. Thank you for giving me the privilege of attending. Coming has changed my life and my vision you have changed my soul. You taught me new ways of giving and receiving love, THANK YOU!!!” – Magdalena

with Karen

Reflecting on where we are today with The Amplified Life Company, our mission was born out of the type of transformation and connection that can only be experienced at an in-person event, which is this: 

To significantly improve the lives of over 1 million leaders by amplifying their gifts, voices, lives, and businesses through high-level collaboration, personal growth, and learning.

It is also why one of our core beliefs is:

Your network is your net worth, and it begins where your skillset ends and is the catalyst to your next level.  

Which was also highly influenced by Lori Harder, all because I got myself in that room!  Are you ready to get in the room during the second half of 2014?   I have put together a list of my top recommendations you can download HERE, which includes our signature event, The Amplified Life World Conferencethe only live event where you can achieve significant results in less than one year!

Now you’re probably having a hard time picking which one!  I have recorded two podcasts for you about in-person events, listen to help you decide.  

How to make the most out of in-person events

My own personal experience and recap of 3 in-person events

If you still have more questions or want to chat, please feel free to reach out to us at hello@carmenohling.com

I hope to see you in multiple rooms during the second half of 2024! 

For more tips and resources on BEING THE ONE, follow us, The Amplified Life Company @carmenohling

The vision and purpose at The Amplified Life Company:

“Be the one to show the world how truly great life can be!”

The mission at The Amplified Life Company:

To significantly improve the lives of over 1 million leaders by amplifying their gifts, voices, lives, and businesses through high-level collaboration, personal growth, and learning.


Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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