This week I want to talk to you about FULLY believing in yourself….
Why? Because last month I discovered that while I had vision and I had faith, I did not fully BELIVE that I could do it or that it (fill in your “it) could/would happen for me. WFT?!?!
This lack of belief caused me to procrastinate, not be decisive, not operate at my fullest and best potential each day, and get distracted easily with the things that were “good” vs the things that are GREAT!
Can you relate? Do you feel this? Knowing you are capable and fully believing that you can are to totally different things!
Here’s what I want you to know:
Before we can bless others, we must become an individual where blessings are capable of flowing. Good work must happen WITHIN US before it manifests THROUGH US. Miracles and abundant blessings start with a vision, faith that we are always supported and guided, and the FULL belief to know it is possible and we are capable, even when we cannot yet see the end results!
Let me tell you, my beautiful friend.. it’s time we all start operating out of belief and expectation, rather than our past experiences. There is something so much bigger, bolder, and expansive on the horizon for each of us, but we must believe it to seize it!
Are you ready to step into FULL BELIEF? Comment below and let me know by simply typing: I BELIEVE!
Lots of light and love to you,

Written by Carmen Ohling
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