A personal invite to the best version of you!

A personal invite to the best version of you!

If you’re looking for an opportunity where you can REALLY make a difference in the world…

To help and connect with others in a meaningful way…

And want to learn how you could become the best version of yourself.

Then this message is for you.

In short…

I’ve set a goal for myself to help change the lives of 1 million people around the world— but I can’t do it alone.

I’m looking for someone who is genuinely willing to learn and grow— and wants to help others do the same.

If that sounds like you…

Then I want to show you how you could turn your passion for helping and empowering others…


Into a rewarding new career that’s about MORE than just paying the bills…

But really making a difference in the lives of the people in your community— and around the world.


If you’ve ever felt called to coach and guide others…

If you’re passionate about helping and empowering the people around you…

And you’ve got a burning desire to become something more— a real force for change and the good in the world…

Then please, click HERE and join me on this life-changing mission; both your life and the lives of others!

I am thrilled to be changing the world, together with you!


PS- Want to learn more.? If you’re intrigued then I want to chat with you today. Click HERE to book a time that works for your schedule this week!

NEWS FLASH: You don’t get what you want… you get what you believe.

NEWS FLASH: You don’t get what you want… you get what you believe.

NEWS FLASH: You don’t get what you want… you get what you believe. And most people aren’t doing the work to inspect what they believe in their life!!
If you’re like most people, you’ve got at least a handful of dreams and desires that have yet to be fulfilled. Maybe you’re setting all the “right” plans in place, but it just doesn’t seem to be lining up in the way you had hoped.
What if it was less about the plans and strategies you apply, and more about the frame of reference from which you take these actions? Meaning, your paradigm, or worldview, is creating the lens through which you see and experience life each day. 
That’s why in Flow Academy we go deep into the framework of our beliefs so that we can uncover, reframe, and rebuild our beliefs – which ultimately build our identities at the subconscious level.  
Until we shift who we believe we are, and what that version of us deserves in life, we will only get back a reflection of our current story and what we believe we are worthy of experiencing. 
If you’re ready to make these identity shifts, and radically change your lens of life, I invite you to join us in Flow Academy – where you will learn the tools and practices that bring you to new depths in your own journey, and ultimately make you an incredible leader for your team, and an exceptional coach for your clients. 
Click HERE to book a call with me to chat more about if Flow Academy is right for you in this season of your life!
PS- Flow Academy is less about a one-time certification, it’s a movement. When you join Flow, you are joining a community of women who amplify each other’s voices to BE THE ONE to show the world how truly great life can be! JOIN US!
These are the things that matter the most.

These are the things that matter the most.

We tell ourselves that there are many things that you HAVE to do each day.
You have to work hard and give it your all, even when you don’t feel like it.
What we don’t talk about are the things that are the most precious, that we push to the side and consider them disposable….
👉 The way you care for your mental health.
👉 The way you navigate and heal your emotional health.
👉 The way you attune and develop your spiritual health.
👉 The way you maintain your physical health.
👉 The way you foster your relationship heath.
These are the things that matter the most.
🚫 Let’s stop normalizing only paying attention to work, career, money, and the needs of others.
Because if we don’t take a holistic approach to our lives the most precious gifts will suffer.
⚠️ Paying attention to the precious aspects of your life to nurture your mind, body, and spirit is the definition of taking a holistic approach to your life and allows you to grow and thrive.
❣️ We’ll dive into this topic and more in my next Live Workshop this Sunday.
Join the Live Workshop Free HERE.
The Proven Formula to Create the Life of Your Dreams

The Proven Formula to Create the Life of Your Dreams

A quick check in with you today…..

Raise your hand if this sounds like you: 🙋‍♀️

1. I’m working all the time but not getting the results I want.
2. I’m so overwhelmed and have a hard time focusing or making decisions.
3. I know what I should be doing to take care of myself, yet I don’t do it consistently.
4. I feel like I am doing it all alone, even though I am surrounded by others.
5. Nothing is “wrong” but it seems like everything is wrong and I am just not feeling life right now – but I want to! 😔

You are not alone! And here’s the good news…

It is possible to…

✨ Have the career of your dreams while making an big impact.
✨ Dream big dreams and step outside of your comfort zone to reach them.
✨ Let go of what other’s think and fully speak your truth to live a fulfilled life.
✨ Change your mind, say no, start something new, let something go, and do it your way!


Taking care of yourself and feeling good and..
Having deep, meaningful relationships
Without hustling 24/7 or burning out!!! 💪

I’m living proof. I have built a multiple 6-figure business from scratch- my way- often ignoring popular business advice while having thriving health after being diagnosed with MS at age 25, and I’ve been able to cultivate the most meaningful relationship with my significant other, friends and family.


By following a formula I have created for designing and living the life of my dreams.

It’s the same formula I have used to help 1000’s of female leaders, entrepreneurs and coaches to find clarity, confidence, and freedom in all areas of their life – and now I’m sharing it with YOU in Flow Academy.


Because isn’t it time that you decided to go all in on you? On your dreams, your health, your relationships, your success, your joy – YES, you can have it all and I want to guide you to the life of your dreams.

Flow Academy opens for enrollment on Sept 25th, unless you’re on THIS list then you get access and a HUGE discount 3 full days early. 📅

I am excited to lock arms with you this fall and change the trajectory of your life! 🚀

What if we stopped sprinting through our life?

What if we stopped sprinting through our life?

Since I returned from Tulum, I continue to take time to reflect on the deep, transformational shift that happened within me and around me during my time away.  I am forever grateful and changed from this experience.  If you have an opportunity to get a week away, or more, for yourself – don’t hesitate, take it!  It took me a few days to fully settle in and calm my nervous system that I feel like I am constantly realigning with at home to be centered, in a peaceful state, and easeful within my body, mind and spirit.
After the first few days of my body instinctively trying to be on the go and do, do, do I was able to tap into a state of calm.  Within this calm I was able to truly focus on the present moment versus allowing my thoughts to shift into the next moment like we so often do in life because we have so many things competing for our attention…
And we are allowing it.
Did you catch that? 🧐
We are actively choosing each day to give away our attention, energy, and time to things that won’t even matter a year from now – or maybe even tomorrow – and exchanging that for our most precious moments- the moments of joy, connection, creativity, and aliveness.  These precious moments slipping through the cracks of our rushed, distracted life.
Isn’t time we stopped sprinting to a finish line that each time we feel like we’ve reach it, the finish line moves further and further away?
What if we stopped sprinting through our life?
I know.  I’ve done it – You would have the time and energy to fully to experience it!
I want that for you.  Do you want that for you?
“As I heal, I heal the world.”
This is something I heard a few years ago which brought a new intention to my life…
There is nothing wrong with me.
There is nothing wrong with you.
There is nothing wrong with life; it just is.
Within this place of nothingness is everything.  An everything that has no attachments, no resentment, no doubt, no expectations, and is always open and receptive, circling back to love.
For years, I’ve known my purpose and calling in life is to serve others from a place of bold, empathetic strength.  And, within this calling I’ve taken on a new assignment which will impact the lives of 100,000’s of individuals in the world…..
And as I heal, grow, learn, and expand it is my assignment to share it with you.
It is my assignment to tell you: “II did it, so can you.  Lean in, I am reaching out my hand.  I’ll lift you up.”
As you’re reading this know that I am reaching my hand out to YOU.  Lean in.  Grab it. I’ll lift you up and we will heal the world, together.
Wishing you peace and presence in each movement today,
P.S – Is this resonating with you?  Join my Free Community Conversations with Carmen for a night of listening, observing, and conversations worth having.  Click HERE to find an night of conversation near you.


Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

Join Waitlist We will inform you when the product arrives in stock. Please leave your valid email address below.