How to Break Free from “Being in the Middle” and Unlock Your Next Level of Success

How to Break Free from “Being in the Middle” and Unlock Your Next Level of Success

Are you “in the middle”? 
This idea came up during our Amplified Accelerator introductory call this week. The Accelerator is a group of high performers who recognize that to reach the next level in life and business, they need to surround themselves with growth-minded individuals who want to learn, collaborate, and build… TOGETHER! 
So, what does it mean to be “in the middle”? 
The group decided collectively: we’re done with being in the middle. Being “in the middle” often looks like: 
  1. Settling for less than your potential.
  2. Allowing busyness to take the lead instead of intentional, purpose-driven action.
  3. Feeling stuck between your past achievements and future vision.
  4. Playing it safe, rather than taking bold steps that scare you.
Now, how do you identify being in the middle in your own life or business?

Think of the times when you’ve: 

  • Settled for “good enough” rather than pushing for what’s possible. 
  • Felt burnt out but didn’t ask for help because you were “managing” instead of leading. 
  • Postponed big decisions because it felt safer to stay where you are. 
  • Repeated old patterns in your business without asking, “Is this really working for me?”  
Recognizing these moments is your first step out of the middle. 
What can you do right now to shift
  1. Become a beginner again. Put yourself in environments where your dreams and goals are other people’s realities. Stretch yourself by seeking out new experiences and fresh perspectives.
  2. Amplify what you’re already doing. Take what’s working and 10x it. Seek out alternative ideas and approaches that elevate your current success to the next level.
  3. Take action, because maybe it’s BOTH 1 & 2 for you! 
Answer these questions honestly:
  • What do I need to maintain during this season of growth?
  • What should I let go of or adjust to make room for new possibilities?
  • Who do I need in my corner to make it happen?
What’s Next? 
Are you ready to stop living in the middle and start amplifying your life? If you’re serious about stepping into a new season of growth, I encourage you to take action today. 

Join us in the Amplified Accelerator—where we break out of the middle and reach for our highest potential together. Whether it’s personal or professional growth, this community will challenge you, support you, and hold you accountable to your next-level goals. 

Let’s amplify your life. 

Ready to take the leap? 
Schedule a free Discovery Call to see if this is your season to join us in the Accelerator. Your next level awaits!  CLICK HERE to chat.
If you’re not ready, I still want to hear from you – Share your thoughts about “being in the middle” in your life in the comments….  Excited to hear! 
Doubling Down on Self-Care, Vision, and Connection After an Incredible Season

Doubling Down on Self-Care, Vision, and Connection After an Incredible Season

I shared last week I felt like September was a whirlwind of energy, enthusiasm, transformation, and collaboration. After an amazing few weeks hosting the Amplify Your Life Growth Summit, speaking at the Excellerate Bend event, and spending three weeks away from home to visit family and support our community, I’m back with a renewed focus and purpose.

I won’t lie—this season has been both incredibly fulfilling and exhausting. The energy, the connections, the powerful transformations at the Summit, and the dynamic conversations at Excellerate left me buzzing with excitement. But it also showed me something vital: to truly lead, I have to nurture the source of all that energy—myself.

Here’s what’s next: I’m doubling down on three key areas—taking care of my health, focusing on intentionally stepping fully into my vision, and deepening my relationships. 



1. Taking Care of Myself to Expand My Capacity 
High-energy events and travel are invigorating, but they can also drain your well if you’re not careful. I’ve felt it firsthand. That’s why I’m making my health—physical, mental, and spiritual—my number one priority. In the coming weeks, I’ll be focusing on:
  • Prioritizing recovery with better sleep and intentional rest, by tracking my HRV.
  • Reducing inflammation not only with an anti-inflammatory diet (think gluten/dairy/refined sugar-free and limiting alcohol), but adding superfood supplements from Philosophie, and revamping my supplements from Pure Encapsulations.
  • Recharging my mind and realigning my nervous system with dedicated time for meditation and breathwork (this went to the wayside over the last month), in addition to my prayer, reading, and journaling daily.
  • Spending time alone, not producing anything or tying myself to a particular outcome, simply living, playing, creating, and exploring.

I’m committed to restoring my energy so I can serve at an even higher level, and I encourage you to do the same. Our energy is our most valuable asset as a leader, and it’s time to invest in it deeply. 



2. Stepping Fully into My Vision 

The Amplify Your Life Growth Summit wasn’t just a one-time event; it was a powerful reminder of the big vision Joal and I have for our company. Helping others elevate their lives and businesses isn’t just a mission—it’s a calling. After the event, I realized that in order to fully step into this next level of impact, I need to elevate my own vision.


I’m putting my energy into:
  • Refining and amplifying our programs, especially the Amplified Accelerator, which kicks off next week and is almost full – there are 2 spots remaining if you’d like to chat to see if it’s a right fit for you, click HERE to book a call before 10/15. 
  • Leaning into new opportunities to empower high-performing leaders, including saying YES to way more in-person speaking opportunities.
  • Planning strategic moves to take Amplify Your Life to even greater heights in 2025, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.


3. Nurturing My Relationships 

Relationships are the heart of everything we do, both personally and professionally. During my time away, I had the privilege of reconnecting with loved ones and supporting my community. Now that I’m back, I’m committed to nurturing these relationships even more deeply. Whether it’s family, friends, clients, or team members, the energy we give to those connections comes back to us tenfold.

How about you? 
  • How are you investing in your own well-being?
  • What steps are you taking to bring your vision to life?
  • Which relationships do you want to nurture more in this season?


I’d love to hear from you. Hit reply and let me know how you’re navigating your own journey right now.


Thank you for being part of this amazing community. Together, we’re amplifying our lives, and the best is yet to come!


With energy and purpose,

Carmen Ohling



The Exact Strategy I Use to Grow My Business Inner Circle! + AYL Growth Summit Highlights

The Exact Strategy I Use to Grow My Business Inner Circle! + AYL Growth Summit Highlights

Wow, I can’t believe it’s two weeks since Joal and I hosted the Amplify Your Life Growth Summit in Bend, OR for a room filled with growth-minded leaders and entrepreneurs

If you were in the room with us, you know the connections, collaborations, breakthroughs, and high-level discussions that were had at the Summit! 

Side note… 

We’d love to hear from you! Click HERE to share your feedback with us so that we can make our next summit even more impactful! 

Whether you were in the room or not, we are so excited to share this recap video of our weekend at the Growth Summit with you, produced by Erik Schultz of Paper Flames Media

Plus, below are a few highlights of some of the speaker’s sessions. 

Aisha Marshall kicked things off at VIP Night and led us all through an experience to uncover our emotions, unmet needs, and patterns that keep us stuck.  Her framework in the Butterfly Szn Journal is very transformative, yet simple enough to use time and time again in each new season of life.

Saturday began with super high energy with the doctors from Pangea Chiropractic, Dr. Andrew and Dr. Ashely.  They reminded us that we are holistic beings and that we must think well, eat well, move well, and recover well.  Yes, they said recover well, and OMG…. I need to up my recovery game!  They outlined 8 types of recovery: physical, emotional, metabolic, mental, social, creative, environmental, and spiritual.  

Bri Seeley had us all define success for ourselves, eliminate any doubt, and begin to forge our own path of fulfillment, happiness, and success!

Plus, there was so much more from Mike Irwin, Renee Benes, Louis Taylor, Janiah Lake and Tamika Stembridge, Tamra Andress, and even a LIVE Podcast Panel hosted by Ellen Yin of Cubicle to CEO Podcast with high-performing CEOs from Ion Bottles, SkinOwl, MS Run the US, and TWM Wealth Management

I shared from stage the importance of no longer asking the question “How do I _____?” and starting to ask the question, “Who do I need so that I can _____” – It’s such a powerful shift you make when start asking who and take the steps you need to build a dynamic business inner circle; it’s truly been the catalyst to the growth and success of my business. 

Do you want to learn the exact strategy I use to grow my business inner circle?

Now you can! 

Join us next week for a complementary Strategy Lab Intensive Workshop on Thursday at 12pm PST / 3pm EST where I will share the exact strategy I have used to build my powerful network over the last two decades and how you can do the same to increase your impact and income! 

Click HERE to RSVP and add the masterclass to your calendar. 

The energy, collective thought leadership, and breakthroughs that happened in the room at the Growth Summit are something that I cannot properly articulate in this written newsletter, but if you’d like to join in the energy and access the full recording of the 2024 AYL Growth Summit, stay tuned we’ll have it available for you next week! 

Did we miss anything? 

It’s been a whirlwind of emotion, connection, collaboration, an abundance of new opportunities, and transformation since the Summit, so if I did or if you have any questions, simply hit reply! 


Here’s to our continued success in 2024 and amplified success in 2025, 


P.S.Update on something I shared a couple of months ago, my Ion Bottle….  I am still obsessed with using my Ion Bottle daily, and I’ve seen so many benefits, there are way too many to list.  You can try it HERE and save 20% with this code: amplify. (You’ll thank me later!) 

Breaking the Cycle: How Leaders Can Overcome Self-Sabotage

Breaking the Cycle: How Leaders Can Overcome Self-Sabotage

Breaking the Cycle: How Leaders Can Overcome Self-Sabotage

Today, we’re diving into something that often flies under the radar but can seriously impact your success: self-sabotage. Leaders can unknowingly get in their own way—so let’s break down how this happens and, most importantly, how to stop it.

Understanding Self-Sabotage in Leadership

Leadership self-sabotage can be subtle and often masks itself in behaviors like procrastination, perfectionism, or reluctance to delegate. Even the most confident leaders can fall into these traps, often without realizing it. At its core, this self-sabotage is frequently fueled by deeper issues like fear of failure, fear of success, or imposter syndrome. Leaders may worry that greater success will bring changes they’re not ready for, or they may question whether they truly deserve their achievements. These internal conflicts can cause leaders to unknowingly hold themselves back despite their outward confidence.
Recognizing these behaviors and addressing the underlying fears is essential to breaking free from patterns that limit potential and growth.

 7 Actionable Strategies to Overcome Self-Sabotage:


1. Increase Self-Awareness:

Start with daily morning pages—a freewriting journaling practice where you write whatever comes to mind for 10-15 minutes every morning. This helps clear mental clutter and reveal thought patterns and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Over time, you’ll begin to notice recurring themes or habits that need attention, which is the first step in breaking the cycle of self-sabotage.

2. Challenge Negative Beliefs:

When negative thoughts surface, reframe them in the moment. Ask yourself, “Is this belief based on fact or fear?” Reframing these thoughts immediately rewires your brain, creating new neural pathways that support more empowering beliefs. The more you practice this, the easier it becomes to replace self-doubt with confidence.

3. Have a Compelling Vision:

Craft a vision so strong it pulls you forward even when you encounter obstacles. A clear, compelling vision aligns your daily actions with your long-term goals, reducing the chances of falling into self-sabotage. This vision should excite and motivate you, serving as a constant reminder of where you’re heading, which makes it easier to overcome temporary setbacks.

4. Embrace Failure

Failure isn’t a roadblock; it’s feedback. Reframe it as a stepping stone to growth and improvement rather than a sign of defeat. Each failure gives you critical insights and opportunities to refine your approach, making you more resilient and adaptive in the long run. The leaders who succeed are the ones who learn to see failure as an essential part of the journey.

5. Create a Support System

Surround yourself with growth-minded individuals who challenge you to evolve rather than just cheer on all of your ideas. A good support system pushes you out of your comfort zone and holds you accountable for continuous improvement. Having people around you who understand the value of growth ensures that you’re always moving forward, even when things get tough.

6. Physiological Detachment From Work

It’s crucial to regularly disconnect from work to allow your brain to recover and recharge. Whether it’s engaging in physical exercise, spending time in nature, or simply being fully present with loved ones, these breaks give your mind the space it needs to function at its best. This detachment prevents burnout and allows you to return to work with renewed energy and clarity.

7. Seek Professional Help

You can’t always see your own blind spots, which is why coaching or mentorship is so valuable. A great coach not only helps uncover those hidden areas but also provides the guidance and tools you need to shift your perspective and make lasting changes. Sometimes, the most transformative growth comes from having someone challenge your thinking and help you create actionable strategies for progress.

Final Thoughts

Self-sabotage is fixable. Awareness and these simple strategies can help you break the cycle and lead yourself with clarity and confidence.

Ready to level up?  Click HERE to set up a complimentary call with Carmen, and the Amplified Team can unlock your full potential!

For more, follow The Amplified Life Company @carmenohling on LinkedIn and Instagram 
5 Bezos-Inspired Tips for Balance and Energy at Work and Life

5 Bezos-Inspired Tips for Balance and Energy at Work and Life

And just like that, fall officially kicks off this weekend – and so does the Amplify Your Life Growth Summit in Bend, Oregon! 
While we’re diving into growth and transformation at the Summit, the season is shifting outside, too. Maybe you’re excited to have the kids back in school, or maybe, like me, you don’t treat summer any differently than the rest of the year when it comes to work. No “summer slowdown” here.
That said, summer still brings up thoughts of spending time outside with family and friends, taking trips, and getting some mental distance from work. The sunshine, BBQs, all of it. 
But here’s the thing: I don’t think those rare, extended vacations are what truly keep us recharged and ready to go long-term
Real energy and health come from the small, consistent habits we integrate into our daily, weekly, and monthly routines. 
Last year, I took a month-long break in Tulum to write, reflect, and create before a big pivot in the business. And yeah, I’m grateful I could do that.
But should it take completely shutting down for a month—or half a year—to feel rested? 
Absolutely not.
More often than not, burnout comes from failing to think ahead, plan effectively, and focus on the day-to-day rhythms that matter.
Take Jeff Bezos.
Regardless of what you think about him, you can’t deny he’s mastered the art of being an efficient leader. Over the years, I’ve borrowed some of his tips on prioritization, and mixed in my own routines to stay high energy and enthusiastic, without needing to run myself into the ground—or rely on long breaks to recover.
If we can master the art of being effective during normal work hours, we won’t just be living for the weekends or the next big vacation.
It’s about getting out of survival mode and into thriving mode.

Here are five Bezos-inspired tips I’ve found to be game-changers in maintaining that balance and energy, both at work and in life: 

#1: Focus on quality over quantity. 

Make three high-quality decisions a day. That’s it.

Bezos himself has said that if he can make three good decisions in a day, that’s enough. We may not have the luxury to delegate everything like he does, but we can focus on making fewer, higher-impact decisions. It’s good for your well-being and it’s even better for your team when you’re able to delegate and share the load.

#2: Don’t wait for perfect information. 

Once you’ve got 70% of the information, it’s time to act. Waiting for 100% data or clarity leads to indecision and lost opportunities.

I get it—if you’re a perfectionist, this feels tough. But we can’t afford to wait for the stars to align perfectly. As Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, says, “Trust your gut and intuition more.” When you move forward confidently, you’ll find you free up energy and capacity for what matters most.


#3: Make decisions when you’re at your best. 
Know your rhythms. Bezos tackles big decisions between 10 AM and noon because he’s at his sharpest during that time.

Take time to identify when you’re most energized and make your biggest moves during those peak hours. I know I’m not at my best on Friday afternoons, so I front-load my week with important decisions and save the less demanding work for the end of the week.


#4: Protect your time like a fortress. 
Bezos is known for guarding his time fiercely. He keeps his mornings for important decisions and avoids “filler” activities.

We may not all have the flexibility to shape our schedules exactly like that, but we can intentionally block time for high-priority work. Start small—whether it’s carving out a few hours to focus each morning or limiting back-to-back meetings.


#5: Say no more often. 
Bezos has mastered the art of saying no, and it’s something we all need to get better at. Saying no to things that don’t align with your priorities frees up your time and mental energy for what truly matters.

Protecting your boundaries is essential to avoid burnout and maintain focus. Whether it’s turning down a meeting or skipping an opportunity that doesn’t align with your goals, get comfortable with saying no.



There’s no magic bullet to mastering this balance, but I challenge you to pick one of these tips and start implementing it today. Then, hit reply and let me know how it goes—I want to hear what resonates with you. 
For more, follow The Amplified Life Company @carmenohling on LinkedIn and Instagram 


Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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