Are you living intentionally?

Are you living intentionally?

Are you living intentionally?

I often write a daily intention for the day in my journal.  I allow this intention to guide my thoughts, feelings, and actions during the day.

Sometimes, it is the way I can reframe myself when I get knocked out of alignment and start down the overthinking/overwhelm/judgment spiral. I’ll even go as far as setting an intention before each new task or experience. I find this helps me to stay focused and clear!


I want to share with you a few intentions I’ve set in my journal this year and encourage you to be intentional each day.


Here are a few of my written intentions, feel free to steal them and try them on in your life!

“Be so full of inspired action that it overflows into everyone and everything I touch today!”  

“Everything attached to me wins with ease!”  

“Feel deep and listen loud!”  

“My power is in the present moment. I claim my power in each moment today!”

“Today I choose to amplify all that is good in my life, for the highest good for all.”  

“I am healthy, healed, whole, and full of inspired energy!”  


Here’s to living intentionally this week!!  

Lots of light & love,


Written by Carmen Ohling

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“I don’t have time!”

“I don’t have time!”

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“I don’t have time!”

“I don’t have time!”

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“I don’t have time!”

“I don’t have time!”

is Question: How many times this week have you told yourself, "I don't have time." Really think about it. The reality is that we all have the same 24 hours in a day. Just like I do, just like you do. Nothing more, nothing less. I began thinking deeply about this on...

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I will no longer apologize for these things…

I will no longer apologize for these things…

We all need a nudge every now and then, so here is a fun list you can adopt for yourself!

Things that we can collectively no longer apologize for….

Leaving a job that drains the life out of you.

Sleeping in.

Asking for what you need.

Declining a phone call.

Doing what’s best for you, despite what others think or say.

Removing someone from your life.  

Sending money on something that you want.

Taking a break from social media. 

Not answering a text or email right away, or even same day.

Your spiritual beliefs.

Setting and sticking to boundaries.

Asking for what you need.

Saying no to others.

What do you want to add to the list? Let me know in the comments!

Heres to living our best life,


I want it and I want it NOW!

I want it and I want it NOW!

I want it and I want it now!  – Veruca Salt in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  
Do you need a reminder of this, click HERE to watch!  But, what happens to Veruca in the end?  Because of her frantic manifesting and controlling, the Universe serves her up the exact opposite of what she desired.  
Society has taught us that the faster and more convenient something is, the better it is… but is that true?  
Think back to something you truly desired and worked hard for… did it come quickly, or did it come over time with a few bumps in the road?
We often forget about all of the miracle moments that happen along the journey, or worse yet we are so focused on the end result we never even experience the everyday moments that make a miraculous life.  I want you to know that what is meant for you will not pass you, ever.  Loosen your grip just slightly and see where you can continue to take inspired action daily AND also be present in each of the moments of your life like they are the most important moments.  
Notice how things change for you because they will.  
Notice how you feel… 
Get ready to welcome inner peace. 
Lots of love,
Are you devoted or attached?

Are you devoted or attached?

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting in contemplation of two ideas, which proved to be very profound for me in my life.  So today I am sharing it with you!
Here are the two ideas…
1. Devotion
2. Attachment


I sat considering what each of these meant in my life and here is what I came up with:
Devotion is expansive, giving, holding space, and operating from a place of love.  Attachment is constricting, ego-based, a comfortable low vibration, and attempts to bring you down or keep you in one place. What if we all got clear on what we are devoted to and even more clear on what we are attached to in our own lives.  If you are with me this year and you are striving to upgrade every element of your life, then this process seems like it is absolutely necessary.  Without this self-awareness, it will be very easy to be blind to our own attachments and unknowingly step back into the comfort that so sneakily holds us back. 


I am devoted to:
  • My spiritual relationship, being obedient
  • Myself, my optimal health
  • Joal
  • My opportunity to serve 
  • My family (including close friends)
What I am attached to:
  • I first wrote everything… LOL!
  • Negative thought patterns around my body, relationship, and finances
  • Using coping/numbing to not feel, especially to not feel
  • Using being busy to feel worthy, rather than being still connecting to Source
Now the question for each of us is how can I intentionally spend more time in devotion and less time holding tightly to my attachments?   What if I loosened my grip on my attachments, even better… what if I completely let go?
Reminder: Miracles are natural, and when they are not occurring something has gone wrong.


Sending you a ton of high vibe light today,
How much time do you spend carefully curating your selfies?⠀

How much time do you spend carefully curating your selfies?⠀

How much time do you spend carefully curating your selfies?⠀

How much time do you spend curating the words you think and speak to yourself?⠀

Your thoughts are powerful.  The words you think and speak to yourself shape your life and paint your reality whether you realize it or not.

I use to fear my thoughts, believing I had no control over them. After digging in (and lots of daily practice of reframing) I learned that my thinking was creating my experiences, just like your thoughts are likely creating yours!

As I learned to take control of my thoughts, it became easier to align myself with higher thoughts and my entire life began to shift!
Ways You Can Reframe Your World
1. Observe – Keep a journal handy and start by paying close attention to the thoughts that go through your mind in any given day. Now, really try to pay attention! Catching the thoughts that you tell yourself isn’t super easy to do because the things you tell yourself and choose to believe are incredibly subconscious. Take note of everything! Your own positive self praises, the moments you’re being hard on yourself and the things you might be thinking about other people.
2. Reflect – After three days, review your journal as if you were a stranger reading about the story of someone’s life. Are the thoughts you’re reading one of a woman who truly believes in herself and is kind to others? Are you reading about a woman who is constantly wondering why these things always happen to her? Are you reading about someone who gives grace to herself and others? Is trapped by her own negative self talk?
3. Reframe – Take note of a single thought that is clearly not serving you and brainstorm ways you can see that thought in a new light. For example, you can take “Why is this happening to me?” and turn it into, “How is this happening for me?” See how that went from a place of defeat to a window of opportunity? Or perhaps you can take the thought, “I can’t handle this” and reframe it to, “I know I’m capable of working through this because I’ve conquered _____.”
4. Grant Grace – If you start to feel overwhelmed by how many thoughts you should likely reframe or are frustrated that the reframes aren’t coming naturally, do not worry! This is perfectly normal and shouldn’t be a cause for frustration. Here’s why… At the end of the day, your thoughts are trying to protect you. When life gets tough or scary, your mind wants to save you from that and the easiest way to do so is by preventing you from leaning into the discomfort. That being said, the way to “win” here isn’t by achieving zero negative thoughts in a day. The “win” is that you’re able to realize when you’re experiencing a thought that isn’t serving you to the highest potential and are able to turn into something better.

Some Extra Practice
For me, it’s easiest to generate positive thoughts throughout the day when I start by putting myself in the right headspace first thing in the morning. Here are a few powerful thoughts (mantras) that I use to align myself and my thoughts to high vibe energy:
  • I am complete.
  • Life is fun, easy and every flowing.
  • My life is infinitely abundant.
  • The world needs me and my unique gifts.
  • I am a magnet for miracles.
  • There is enough time and money for everything.
  • I always have everything I need, and it flows to me in abundance and at the perfect time.
  • I deserve the best in life.
  • I am filled with positive, radiant light and I shine wherever I go.
  • There is plenty of time and money for everything. 
I want to hear from you! What is your favorite mantra or words of affirmation that you use? Email me at and share one of your own or take one of mine and make it your own.
Wishing you a ton of light and love,


Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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