How to build and maintain thriving relationships: Part #1 Stop Being Let Down

How to build and maintain thriving relationships: Part #1 Stop Being Let Down

Question: When was the last time you felt let down?

If you answer this truthfully, it’s most likely the last time that you had an expectation for a person or situation.  There is a quote that says “expectation is the thief of all joy.”  This could not be more true!  Think about it, what if you went into each interaction or experience being completely open.  Open to what is possible, held space for others to be their authentic self; how do you think this would change things for you?

Watch this quick video as I share one of the recent times I felt let down and how I was able to reframe my perception.



I take care of my body. Movement, nourishing foods, self-awareness, slowing down radical responsibility, dream chasing and love fill my days. I am relentless about caring for my body and mind and I set boundaries like a mother f**cker!⠀⠀

I have stripes on my body (aka stretch marks). Check out the back of my thighs!⠀⠀
I have a ton of scars on my skin: thank you chicken pox, box jumps, acne, burns and more I am sure I am missing!⠀⠀
If I am not careful I can put work, achievement and the illusion of sourcing my self worth from what society tells me is “success.”⠀⠀
I spent years (literally like 30+) hating my body and in constant comparison to other women that I placed on a pedestal as “better” than me, “prettier” than me, more “successful” than me, “stronger” than me… the list was endless! ⠀⠀
NOW I KNOW… 👇🏽👇🏽⠀⠀
We are all one. Truly we are more alike than different. I’ve discovered that true, authentic vulnerability is the most rewarding part of our human existence. Try it!⠀⠀
Our physical body does not defined our self worth. Neither does the scale, clothes size or any other way we use to measure our skin. Start taking care of your body and mind consistently every day, focusing on what feels good to you (not what is expected) and watch your confidence soar! ⠀⠀
Comparison is the most detrimental activity in our daily lives. WE MUST STOP! For me, after 30 years of comparison programming, it takes daily intentional reframing of my thoughts to ensure I am aligning my thoughts with my highest self daily. If you’re stuck in the comparison spiral, try this: recognize when your comparing, tell yourself “this thought is not of my highest self,” then choose a new thought. ⠀⠀
TELL ME… 👇🏽👇🏽⠀⠀
One thing that is holding you back from living your best life, you are ready to let go of… Or better yet join me at the Permission Slip Tour on March 7th in Portland, Oregon and we can chat more about this in person!
Sending each of you a ton of love and light today. May it fill you with inspiration and energy!


Everyone needs help sometimes….

Everyone needs help sometimes….


How often do you ask for help? ⠀

If you’re anything like I was, and the other thousands of women out there working to prove that we can do it all, the answer is most likely never.⠀

Here’s where we’ve got that mixed up. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness and it in no way devalues our worth as a woman. Yes, I use to think that and it’s comes up so often with the female entrepreneurs and business leaders I work with. ⠀

Asking for help is actually sign of strength and wisdom. As women, we are not meant to do this alone- so why the fuck do we think that? Why do we isolate instead of reach out when life gets tough? Why do we say “I’ve got it” when inside we have no idea how we are going to get it all done? I’ll tell you what I use to think- I was afraid of letting others down, I was living up to some stupid set of expectations that were not even my own and I sourced all of my self worth as a women from doing and accomplishing things. ⠀


Start small and build your asking muscle. Asking for help creates space, creativity and clarity in your life- in addition to building strong, powerful relationships. You will be amazed that when you start asking for help (on things that actually matter) you will feel lighter, less overwhelmed and be open to new possibilities.

Want to chat more about this?  Email me at:

Sending you a ton of light and love today,


The Meaning That You Create

The Meaning That You Create

I’ve been thinking some heavy thoughts this week. One moment I’m on top of the world and the next I’m all up in my head worried about things I have no control over. …⠀

Anyone feel me?⠀

It’s easy to do, especially when you share love so freely. ⠀

I’ve been reminding myself these two important lessons:⠀

1. Nothing has meaning, until YOU place meaning on it. ⠀

Have you ever heard the phrase, “life is empty and meaningless”? Did you instantly think that that is a negative statement?

If so, why?

Likely, it’s because when you think of the word “empty”, you think of that as something that is lacking something. That is the meaning that you put on it.

And maybe when you hear the word “meaningless”, you equate that as something that isn’t worthy of anything. That is the meaning you put on it.

But could it be possible that if something is empty, it could mean that there is infinite room for greatness and possibility?

If something is meaningless, could it mean that it is available for us to put all the color and life we want into it?

The answer is yes. It CAN mean any of those things but it is up to YOU to decide which one it is.

In that spirit, it’s also up to you to decide what it means when someone walks past you without saying hi.

It’s up to you to decide if something your boss said was a jab at you or not.

It’s up to you to decide if that broken promise means anything about what you are worth.

It’s up to you to decide if your last try at something meant success or failure.

It is all up to you – so choose carefully how you decide to color your world.

#2. Life is all about experiences.

Both the ups and downs.

Everything is happening FOR you, for your growth, for you to remember to rely on the strength that is not your own and have UNSHAKABLE faith. ⠀

So if things are rocky right now, look around and try to see your circumstance through a new lense.

How could this be for you?

What gold is hidden underneath the mess?

I’m sharing because I know that I’m not alone and I want you to know that you are not alone either.

Could you use someone to chat with? Email me at if you need some help putting new meaning on the life happening around you.

Wishing you a ton of light and love,


How To Use Discomfort To Achieve Your Goals

How To Use Discomfort To Achieve Your Goals

Have you ever set a goal and were SO excited about the outcome? But then your schedule ends up looking something like this –

  • Week 1 – It’s a little hard but you’re confident about pushing through it
  • Week 2 – Life gets in the way and then you give up

So what happened here? How were you able to have an amazing thought that lit you up and yet you were able to drop it in just two weeks?

You know what most people say?

“I lost motivation.”

Let’s change this!

Let’s make a paradigm shift and instead of relying on pure motivation, let’s use your present day discomfort be what fuels your goal. 

For example, say you are unfulfilled at your job or in your business. Everyday you wake up and hit snooze because you dread the idea of going into the office. Really take a moment to lean into that feeling!

Those feelings likely –

  • Do not give you energy
  • Do not make you fulfilled
  • Do not fill you with joy

So now, ask yourself what would happen if you continued this every single day?

Or say you have chronic back pain. Maybe you’re not moving your body daily, not doing proper stretching or mobility work, and you’re not nourishing your body every day. If this path continues, you will likely –

  • Feel crappy
  • Lose the ability to do things in life
  • Potentially develop a chronic health condition because of the lack of movement

Now, use THAT as the motivation to start working out, eating healthy and nourishing your body! Do that instead of using this pie in the sky idea of “wouldn’t it be so great if I did x, y and z.”

It’s wonderful to journal about your goals but if you’re not reaching them, perhaps consider writing down what would happen if you don’t reach them and use that as the reason to get it done and make it happen.

This is just a different way of looking at things because realistically, most people’s primary driver is discomfort and pain because we don’t want to experience it!

Throughout my time as a nutritionist, I can tell you that the majority of the people who came to  me weren’t in great or optimal health. They came to me because they just experienced the pain of a recent diagnosis they received at the doctors office.

So the next time you have a goal that you really want to achieve, ask yourself – 

  1. What will happen if I do nothing?
  2. Who will I help if I do nothing?
  3. Who will I become if I do nothing?
  4. Who will I continue to be if I do nothing?
  5. How is my life going to feel if the pain or discomfort don’t go away? 

Email me at if the first month of 2020 didn’t go as you had hoped! I’m here to support you and would love to go over any roadblocks that may be in your way.

Wishing you a ton of light and love,



Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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