This Is Often the Only Thing Preventing You from Learning

This Is Often the Only Thing Preventing You from Learning

In many cases, you’ll find the only thing preventing you from learning is your ego.
No one enjoys feeling foolish, but attempting something new requires that you climb down from your perch and struggle as a beginner. You must ask questions that reveal your ignorance or attempt skills that make you look uncoordinated.
Learning demands the willingness to live in a brief state of discomfort. You must believe that looking like a fool for an hour will not ruin your reputation for life.”
– James Clear


FACT: Most people don’t ask questions; they pretend like they know things.
WHY:  Because they think if they ask questions, they look dumb.
TRUTH: The better the question, the better the result.
I get it—I’ve been there. For years, I believed that success meant showing up with all the answers. I’d spend late nights researching and memorizing, hoping that I could seem like the “expert” the next day, even though I felt I wasn’t.
This desire to appear knowledgeable was my internal need to gain approval and acceptance, which kept me stuck.
I said “yes” only to opportunities I knew I’d succeed in, staying in my comfort zone. My world was small because I only engaged in spaces where I felt safe.
The truth is, the most growth doesn’t come from knowing everything; it comes from being open enough to ask, “What don’t I know here?”  “What can others teach me?”  or “What am I learning from this?” even in the face of a perceived failure.
Once I started to let go of that need to appear fully in control of knowing it all, I opened myself up to powerful insights that would’ve otherwise stayed hidden.
I began seeking out rooms with people who had knowledge, experience, and perspectives beyond my own. These were spaces where I wasn’t the one “in charge” but the one asking questions, listening deeply, and gaining insights that would change the way I worked and lived.
In these rooms, I learned that power isn’t about having all the answers—it’s about being in the right places, with the right people, and absorbing as much as possible.
The humility of not knowing everything opened doors I hadn’t even considered before.
People wanted to work with me because I was willing to say, “I don’t have all the answers—what can we come up with together?”
I saw that asking genuine questions was a strength, not a weakness. Through listening, I gained the insights and tools that a formal education, or no amount of late-night cramming could’ve provided.
Today, because I embraced the power of asking, listening, and connecting, I’ve achieved things I once only dreamed of.
I’ve built a thriving business, stood on stages sharing my story, led high-performing teams, and connected with some of the best minds in my industry.
All of this was possible not because I knew everything but because I was willing to step into rooms where I didn’t have to.
By letting go of the need to be the “smartest in the room,” I’ve been able to grow, succeed, and help others do the same in ways I never could have alone.

There’s a second part to this breakthrough in my journey, and I’ll share it and teach it to you in next week’s blog.

But, until then, will you join me in “not being a know-it-all all” and step into a life of growth, connection, fulfillment, and fun?

Comment below and share your thoughts, because I have an invitation for you if you’re ready to join me!

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

I remember the day I realized that through all my striving, achieving, goal setting, and planning, I was still deeply unfulfilled. 
Specifically, it was November 2003, and I was sitting in my Tahoe before kicking off the day with a team sales meeting, drinking my Americano, and planning the day out for my team and me. It wasn’t unusual for me to arrive early because I liked to beat traffic, and even more, I was always prepared. I prided myself on running some of the most impactful sales meetings, leaving the team energized and focused.
At this point in my 15-year corporate leadership career, I was running the number two revenue-producing cost center in the state of Oregon, helping to hire and train my peers through our management training program, and was counted on as an integral part of the regional team. I was highly respected, and my annual bonus was approaching the point where it would exceed my salary—something that’s a great sign if you work for a “pay-for-performance” organization.
But on this crisp fall day in Portland, Oregon, something different happened. I began to cry. 
At this point in my life, I was all execution. I viewed crying as a sign of weakness, not something I did in front of others. I allowed myself to cry for a few minutes, mostly because I wasn’t sure what I was feeling. I had worked so hard for so long to not feel—to be the one that was strong, that could make it through anything—but in this moment, I felt weak. 
I’d love to tell you that all the answers came to me that morning, but they didn’t. Honestly, I sucked it up and went on with my day. But when I went home that night, I told my husband Joal what had happened. And you know what he did? He asked me one question that would change the rest of my personal and professional life. 
He asked me, “What’s wrong?”
For the first time in my life, I said, “I don’t know…”
You see, I always had a plan. I was always prepared. I controlled all the variables. I said yes to things I knew I’d excel at. My career and way of being were my identity.
But the most powerful part of that question wasn’t just admitting I didn’t know. It was the second half of my answer: “… but I am going to find out!”
And that, my friends, was the beginning of my journey of curiosity. I began asking myself deeper questions and, perhaps for the first time, answering them truthfully. The moment I realized I didn’t need to have all the answers, something shifted inside me forever. 
Curiosity can be simply defined as a strong desire to discover something unknown. And if you can build this character trait in your life, so many dynamic opportunities, meaningful relationships, health, joy, and fulfillment will open to you
Albert Einstein famously said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing… It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day.” 
So today, I invite you to start—or maybe continue—your journey of curiosity with me. A good place to begin is with what you know for sure—the routines, the habits, the ideas, actions, places, or people you hold so tightly because they make you feel comfortable. Start asking questions there.
Below are a few of my favorite questions to ask when I feel that creeping sense of “nothing is necessarily wrong, but somehow nothing is right either”
  • What else could be possible in this situation?
  • What am I holding onto that no longer serves me?
  • If I didn’t have to control the outcome, what new opportunities could emerge?
  • Who can I reach out to for a fresh perspective or deeper connection?
Curiosity unlocks possibilities and clears the path toward greater meaning in our lives. 
Are you ready to embrace it? 
Let’s start discovering together.
Breaking Free from the Treadmill of Success

Breaking Free from the Treadmill of Success

I worked in finance for 16 years, specifically in corporate leadership. I remember one year getting ambitious and writing out my professional goals for the next three years—goals that I was sure would bring me success and satisfaction.
Fast forward three years, and I had met or exceeded all of them. But here’s the thing: 
I wasn’t satisfied or particularly happy. I had reached the pinnacle of the success I had planned and strived for, but it didn’t bring the joy I had envisioned.
That’s when I started to wonder—could I really keep going like this? Could I keep working six days a week, 10+ hour days, like I had been doing? At some point, would my progress slow or stop? And what would happen then? Would I wind up looking back at my life with regrets, like so many people do at the end of their lives?
Top 5 Regrets of the Dying: 
1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. 
2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends. 
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier. 
These reflections struck me deeply. Was there a way to get off what I now know as the “hedonic treadmill” of success, yet still be fulfilled, successful, and happy? 
The answer, I quickly realized, was YES. 
But creating a personal plan wasn’t enough. I began to see that God had been positioning me to help others uncover the same truths. The “secrets” I uncovered were honestly available to anyone with a will to live a life of joy and purpose—and who is willing to put in the work to achieve it. 
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing more of my personal story and the specific, tactical steps I took to break free from the treadmill. These are steps you can replicate to create true success in your life and business—success that’s filled with joy, fulfillment, and a deep sense of purpose. 
Step 1: Curiosity—What Else Could Be Possible?
The first step in this journey is simple but profound—curiosity. When I hit that wall of dissatisfaction, I could have kept pushing forward blindly, but instead, I got curious. I asked myself a simple yet life-changing question: What else could be possible
Curiosity opened me up to new perspectives, fresh ideas, and a completely different approach to success. It was the first spark that ignited the fire of transformation. 
One of the biggest lessons I learned during this time was that to truly expand what’s possible, you need to surround yourself with people whose realities reflect your dreams. Getting into environments where your goals are someone else’s normal pushes you to think bigger and stretch beyond your current limits. Mentors and peers who have already walked the path you’re aiming for can help you see the potential you might never have imagined on your own. 
When you surround yourself with people who inspire you and challenge you to elevate, your curiosity naturally transforms into momentum—and that’s when real progress happens. 
Over the next few blogs, we’ll dive deeper into exactly how you can tap into curiosity and leverage the power of mentorship and community to begin your own journey toward joy-filled success.

Curious?  That’s a GOOD thing! – Stay tuned for the next steps!

Let’s get off the treadmill together. Your life, your business, and your opportunity to impact others can be more than just a grind—they can be joyful and truly meaningful.

To your next level,



How to Break Free from “Being in the Middle” and Unlock Your Next Level of Success

How to Break Free from “Being in the Middle” and Unlock Your Next Level of Success

Are you “in the middle”? 
This idea came up during our Amplified Accelerator introductory call this week. The Accelerator is a group of high performers who recognize that to reach the next level in life and business, they need to surround themselves with growth-minded individuals who want to learn, collaborate, and build… TOGETHER! 
So, what does it mean to be “in the middle”? 
The group decided collectively: we’re done with being in the middle. Being “in the middle” often looks like: 
  1. Settling for less than your potential.
  2. Allowing busyness to take the lead instead of intentional, purpose-driven action.
  3. Feeling stuck between your past achievements and future vision.
  4. Playing it safe, rather than taking bold steps that scare you.
Now, how do you identify being in the middle in your own life or business?

Think of the times when you’ve: 

  • Settled for “good enough” rather than pushing for what’s possible. 
  • Felt burnt out but didn’t ask for help because you were “managing” instead of leading. 
  • Postponed big decisions because it felt safer to stay where you are. 
  • Repeated old patterns in your business without asking, “Is this really working for me?”  
Recognizing these moments is your first step out of the middle. 
What can you do right now to shift
  1. Become a beginner again. Put yourself in environments where your dreams and goals are other people’s realities. Stretch yourself by seeking out new experiences and fresh perspectives.
  2. Amplify what you’re already doing. Take what’s working and 10x it. Seek out alternative ideas and approaches that elevate your current success to the next level.
  3. Take action, because maybe it’s BOTH 1 & 2 for you! 
Answer these questions honestly:
  • What do I need to maintain during this season of growth?
  • What should I let go of or adjust to make room for new possibilities?
  • Who do I need in my corner to make it happen?
What’s Next? 
Are you ready to stop living in the middle and start amplifying your life? If you’re serious about stepping into a new season of growth, I encourage you to take action today. 

Join us in the Amplified Accelerator—where we break out of the middle and reach for our highest potential together. Whether it’s personal or professional growth, this community will challenge you, support you, and hold you accountable to your next-level goals. 

Let’s amplify your life. 

Ready to take the leap? 
Schedule a free Discovery Call to see if this is your season to join us in the Accelerator. Your next level awaits!  CLICK HERE to chat.
If you’re not ready, I still want to hear from you – Share your thoughts about “being in the middle” in your life in the comments….  Excited to hear! 
Doubling Down on Self-Care, Vision, and Connection After an Incredible Season

Doubling Down on Self-Care, Vision, and Connection After an Incredible Season

I shared last week I felt like September was a whirlwind of energy, enthusiasm, transformation, and collaboration. After an amazing few weeks hosting the Amplify Your Life Growth Summit, speaking at the Excellerate Bend event, and spending three weeks away from home to visit family and support our community, I’m back with a renewed focus and purpose.

I won’t lie—this season has been both incredibly fulfilling and exhausting. The energy, the connections, the powerful transformations at the Summit, and the dynamic conversations at Excellerate left me buzzing with excitement. But it also showed me something vital: to truly lead, I have to nurture the source of all that energy—myself.

Here’s what’s next: I’m doubling down on three key areas—taking care of my health, focusing on intentionally stepping fully into my vision, and deepening my relationships. 



1. Taking Care of Myself to Expand My Capacity 
High-energy events and travel are invigorating, but they can also drain your well if you’re not careful. I’ve felt it firsthand. That’s why I’m making my health—physical, mental, and spiritual—my number one priority. In the coming weeks, I’ll be focusing on:
  • Prioritizing recovery with better sleep and intentional rest, by tracking my HRV.
  • Reducing inflammation not only with an anti-inflammatory diet (think gluten/dairy/refined sugar-free and limiting alcohol), but adding superfood supplements from Philosophie, and revamping my supplements from Pure Encapsulations.
  • Recharging my mind and realigning my nervous system with dedicated time for meditation and breathwork (this went to the wayside over the last month), in addition to my prayer, reading, and journaling daily.
  • Spending time alone, not producing anything or tying myself to a particular outcome, simply living, playing, creating, and exploring.

I’m committed to restoring my energy so I can serve at an even higher level, and I encourage you to do the same. Our energy is our most valuable asset as a leader, and it’s time to invest in it deeply. 



2. Stepping Fully into My Vision 

The Amplify Your Life Growth Summit wasn’t just a one-time event; it was a powerful reminder of the big vision Joal and I have for our company. Helping others elevate their lives and businesses isn’t just a mission—it’s a calling. After the event, I realized that in order to fully step into this next level of impact, I need to elevate my own vision.


I’m putting my energy into:
  • Refining and amplifying our programs, especially the Amplified Accelerator, which kicks off next week and is almost full – there are 2 spots remaining if you’d like to chat to see if it’s a right fit for you, click HERE to book a call before 10/15. 
  • Leaning into new opportunities to empower high-performing leaders, including saying YES to way more in-person speaking opportunities.
  • Planning strategic moves to take Amplify Your Life to even greater heights in 2025, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.


3. Nurturing My Relationships 

Relationships are the heart of everything we do, both personally and professionally. During my time away, I had the privilege of reconnecting with loved ones and supporting my community. Now that I’m back, I’m committed to nurturing these relationships even more deeply. Whether it’s family, friends, clients, or team members, the energy we give to those connections comes back to us tenfold.

How about you? 
  • How are you investing in your own well-being?
  • What steps are you taking to bring your vision to life?
  • Which relationships do you want to nurture more in this season?


I’d love to hear from you. Hit reply and let me know how you’re navigating your own journey right now.


Thank you for being part of this amazing community. Together, we’re amplifying our lives, and the best is yet to come!


With energy and purpose,

Carmen Ohling




Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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