Thoughts to Amplify your Life, Business, Health, Relationships, and Faith.
Are you ready for something new in your life, your business, your relationships, or your health?
Are you ready for something new in your life, your business, your relationships, or your health? Life is all about learning and growing, it's all part of the journey. One thing that I have learned that has helped me so much is this: "It's hard to grow beyond...
I need your help today! I am working on a new keynote around an idea…
I am working on a new keynote around an idea that I have been getting about in my life for years and I have been coaching on it as well… and I need your help today! Here are the basic idea: Rushing is the enemy of presence.It is incompatible with inner peace. Many of...
A Transformational Idea from Flow Academy to Share with You Today
Here is an idea I’d like to share with you today. One that has been transformational in my life and one we talk about in Flow Academy endlessly…. Here is your open invitation to curiosity!Curiosity: An eager desire to know or learn, without judgement or...
What are you looking forward to in May?
Over the past month I have hosted the first Permission Slip Retreat of the year in Laguna Beach, hosted both of our kids (Marcellus & Jahnay) in Miami for Easter, attended my sister's wedding in California, and celebrated my brother and sister-in-laws marriage in...
Did you know that over 50 million Americans have an autoimmune condition, and 80% of those affected are women?
Did you know that over 50 million Americans have an autoimmune condition, and 80% of those affected are women? I am one of them. Chances are you might be too... When I was 25, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and prescribed a drug that made me feel worse than...
Harvard’s Study Reveals The Key to a Healthy and Happy Life
According to Harvard's longest study on human happiness, the key to living a healthy and happy life is RELATIONSHIPS! All types of relationships, whether they be your significant other, your family, friends, work colleagues, or community members. That leads me to...
What makes an impactful, aspirational leader?
I am thinking a ton about LEADERSHIP this year. I have been feeling the nudge to step into leading, teaching, and speaking even more than ever, and it's been so impactful and exciting to take action so far this year. What makes an impactful, aspirational leader? In my...
If you said, YES to this like I have done so many times, TRY THIS ON SUNDAY…
For years I spent a ton of time getting ready. I am not talking about putting on makeup and getting dressed... I am talking about getting ready to start the next big thing in my life. No matter if it was a personal goal or a business goal, you could often find me...
My circumstance does not dictate my success, happiness, or my worth.
Here's what I wish I had learned years ago: My circumstance does not dictate my success, happiness, or my worth. I remember a time when I would allow my external circumstances to steal my peace, to make me feel less than others, to second guess myself, and to leave me...
Take a moment right now and take these words in….
Take a moment right now and take these words in....I am asking that your courage today be amplified, that your eyes be renewed with a fresh vision, and that you are guided to embrace, without hesitation, the incredible potential that is inside of you!Take a deep...