Are you “in the middle”? This idea came up during our Amplified Accelerator introductory call this week. The Accelerator is a group of high performers who recognize that to reach the next level in life and business, they need to surround themselves with...

Have you ever felt this way? Resistance. Uncertainty. Feeling Stuck.
Feeling Stuck.
Whatever you want to call it, it’s uncomfortable. This is what I have been sitting with over the last month. I’ve been in a state of curiosity and asking God, what do you have for me today? Where do you want me to go, what do you want me to do, what do you want me to say and to whom? Guess what I got back in return, nothing. So back to…
Feeling Stuck.
Have you ever felt this way? I know I have multiple times, however, this something was different this time. This time allowed for the resistance, I pushed into the uncertainty, and I kept asking, listening, and believing that my next level calling (think of your calling like your life’s assignment) and a vision for my life would come and it would be even more beautiful, impactful, and inspiring than I had ever dreamed! And I continued to do the work that I have been doing, I continued to take care of myself, I continued to nurture my most important relationships, and I continued to be dedicated to being the best version of myself daily. In the past, I would have logically tried to “figure it out” logically or make this time of uncertainty “mean something about me” and start something new. I was always thinking I needed to be “doing something” in order to feel successful and worthy. NOT. TRUE.
The result? What I learned was a huge opportunity for celebration- the dreams and vision I had for my life and my business have come true!! What I had been manifesting and co-creating is now a part of my everyday life. I feel so deeply grateful. However, I also uncovered that there was a slight fear inside of me of what is next. I know that it will take a new version of myself that I have yet to meet, one that has been patiently waiting for me to show up, but it will take courage, asking for help, doing new things, and possibly failing, and then showing up again with energy and enthusiasm for the new assignment that furthers my purpose.
And so beautifully, over the last two days, new visions and guidance have been revealed to me and I am so excited to share with you soon what’s next for me, what’s next for us as a community, and how you can be a part of it all!
If you are in resistance, uncertainty, or feeling like you are stuck; know that you’re not. Your next blessing, miracle, and assignment are waiting for you when you believe, take time to get still to listen, and stay in action around your current vision. If you do this, the vision beyond the vision will come and it will exceed even your wildest dreams!
I’d love to hear from you when it does! What is your vision beyond the vision?
Here’s to being the one to show the world how truly great life can be, together.
I am so grateful for you,