How do you know if you need more capacity (AKA space) in your life?

How do you know if you need more capacity (AKA space) in your life?

How do you know if you need more capacity (AKA space) in your life?
1. You wake up every morning and you have so much to do but you don’t even know where to start.
2. You feel paralyzed by your to do list.
3. You’re always working but not really making any progress.
4. You feel guilty for resting or taking a break.
5. When you do take a break, you think about the work you should be working on.
6. You can’t focus.
7. You’re always beating yourself up about doing more.
Can you relate any of these?

If you can, I am inviting you to a private podcast experience (this is invitation only) where I am going to teach you the step (yes, it’s like the roadmap) to Live and Lead with Clarity, Confidence and Impact!

Text the word “clarity” to 503-386-2981 to get on the invitation list. The podcast experience is going down the last two weeks of October and will include an opportunity for you to get free coaching too!!!
I am so excited to connect with you and see you soon!

Written by Carmen Ohling

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Are You Letting Comfort Creep Hold You Back?

Are You Letting Comfort Creep Hold You Back?

Lately, I've been diving deep into understanding why so many people are feeling stuck, discouraged, and not fully living out their dreams. I kept coming across a concept that hit home: Comfort Creep.   What is Comfort Creep?    Comfort Creep is that sneaky process...

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Are you living your life based on default or a life you have designed and one that is truly incredible?

Are you living your life based on default or a life you have designed and one that is truly incredible?

Are you living your life based on default or a life you have designed and one that is truly incredible?
Do you have…
No time
No days off
Not enough money
Felling stressed
Not feel like doing “it” (whatever that is for you)
There will always be reasons….
But you get to decide what you give your power to!
There are a million reason for why our life doesn’t look that way we want it to look.
You can sit there and wait and wonder when this amazing life is going to happen to me, or you can take action and ask who do I need to become to make it happen!
You see people are anxious to improve their circumstances, but they are not willing to improve themselves. That is living a life of default.
They want they incredible life, but they don’t want to do the work. Which looks like talking about it, but not being about it. It looks like dreaming about it but never doing anything about it.
Designing your life looks completely different. It looks like become bigger than your circumstances, it looks like go all in on your life, your own deepest desires that the Universe has no other choice but to carve the path for you because you give it no other option!
You want a life worth living, get to work! Stop dreaming about the person that you want to become and start being it. This is your life and nobody is going to come to your rescue but you… and the most beautiful thing is you get to choose!
I hope today’s not lit a fire under you booty!!!
As always, lots and lots of love and high vibes,

Written by Carmen Ohling

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Are You Letting Comfort Creep Hold You Back?

Are You Letting Comfort Creep Hold You Back?

Lately, I've been diving deep into understanding why so many people are feeling stuck, discouraged, and not fully living out their dreams. I kept coming across a concept that hit home: Comfort Creep.   What is Comfort Creep?    Comfort Creep is that sneaky process...

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What would it be like if you didn’t give away your energy every day?

What would it be like if you didn’t give away your energy every day?

What would it be like if you didn’t give away your energy every day?


Picture this….


You wake up.

You’re ready to conquer your day.

You put together your list of 20 to-dos for the day.

By the end of the day, you realistically get done 2 and a half things.


You feel overwhelmed, you feel defeated, and you feel like everyone else owns your time but you… your family, your clients, your team.- because you are committed to showing up for them. Everyone else has control of your time but you.


Do you ever feel like this?


Here’s what I want you to know:


It’s a choice, and the overwhelm that you feel is not because you have too much to do, it’s because you are not clear on what you want in this season of your life, and you are trying to be everything for everyone all the time.


Are you ready to gain clarity on what you truly want in this season of your life and finally stop the overwhelm? 


I’m hosting a private podcast series all about how to uncover the clarity and confidence you need to integrate your unique superpower so you can fully embody who you really are, never second-guess yourself, and find more freedom within your life and business. 


 Jump on the waitlist by texting the word “superpower” to 503-386-2981, where you’ll also receive daily journal prompts + affirmations to expand your self-discovery.


I am so excited to guide you to take back your energy and start getting the freedom you want and deserve in your life!

See you soon!

Written by Carmen Ohling

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Are You Letting Comfort Creep Hold You Back?

Are You Letting Comfort Creep Hold You Back?

Lately, I've been diving deep into understanding why so many people are feeling stuck, discouraged, and not fully living out their dreams. I kept coming across a concept that hit home: Comfort Creep.   What is Comfort Creep?    Comfort Creep is that sneaky process...

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The One Thing We Can Do to Get More Clarity and Peace

The One Thing We Can Do to Get More Clarity and Peace

The number one thing that we can all do today to get more clarity and peace in our lives is to stop searching and searching and searching for something that is missing. Let me explain…


Everything is energy, and every energy has a frequency.


When you are constantly searching outside of yourself, and you feel like something is wrong with you, your energy vibration is a frequency of lack.


Like attracts like; which means the energy you omit is the energy you will receive back.


When you come back home to yourself and your own inner knowing, you can start to realign with the energy of love. The energy of love is a high vibe frequency. 


Within the energy of love, you can attract more of that which you desire. 


This week, try this practice to realign with the energy of love: 


   1. Sit comfortably, feet flat on the floor, head/neck in alignment.

   2. Close your eyes and place your hands on your heart.

   3. Begin to slow your breathing, taking long deep breaths into your heart space.

   4. Repeat these words to yourself 3x:


“I am willing to see this differently. Thank you Spirit, I surrender this limiting belief to you, and I welcome you reorganizing all limiting beliefs back to love. I forgive myself, and I know that I am love. I focus my attention on the love that is within me and around me. I am love.”


 5. Take three more deep breaths into your heart space and open your eyes to the room.


Notice how this changes your energy, your thoughts are not all over the place, and you feel more aligned and centered in your body. Practice this as often as you need during the day, and watch as what you truly desire to manifest in your life begins to come to you with ease.


Sending you so much light and love today,


Written by Carmen Ohling

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Are You Letting Comfort Creep Hold You Back?

Are You Letting Comfort Creep Hold You Back?

Lately, I've been diving deep into understanding why so many people are feeling stuck, discouraged, and not fully living out their dreams. I kept coming across a concept that hit home: Comfort Creep.   What is Comfort Creep?    Comfort Creep is that sneaky process...

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Nothing has meaning until you place meaning upon it.

Nothing has meaning until you place meaning upon it.

Remember this….
“Nothing has meaning until you place meaning upon it.”
That’s it! How would things change if you did not go around placing your meaning on something that in the grand scheme of things were actually meaningless?
Would you be more open?
Would you have more joy in your life?
Would you finally release control of everything and feel free?
Would you allow others to experience their own authentic experience in life?

Hit reply and let me know what you think!


Sending you light and love,

Written by Carmen Ohling

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Are You Letting Comfort Creep Hold You Back?

Are You Letting Comfort Creep Hold You Back?

Lately, I've been diving deep into understanding why so many people are feeling stuck, discouraged, and not fully living out their dreams. I kept coming across a concept that hit home: Comfort Creep.   What is Comfort Creep?    Comfort Creep is that sneaky process...

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Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

Join Waitlist We will inform you when the product arrives in stock. Please leave your valid email address below.