I want to share a story that might resonate with you. Imagine two teams in a bustling office environment. The first team thrives on personal and professional development opportunities. They attend workshops, engage in growth seminars, and regularly participate in...

Which affirmation resonated the most with you?
Below are a few uplifting affirmations I have been telling myself this year. I hope that one resonates with you, and you can incorporate it into your life to be uplifted!
I amplify all that is good in my life and for the highest good for all.
Everything attached to me wins with ease.
In stillness, I receive.
Listen louder.
I amplify my voice to amplify the goodness in others.
Look within.
Today I choose to see with fresh eyes and amplify enthusiasm, joy, fun, and love!
As I wrote this note to you this week, I noticed a pattern….
Getting still and looking within vs. seeking outside of myself.
Amplifying the good in life and sharing that with others.
Which affirmation resonated the most with you? Hit reply and let me know!