10 Easy Ways To Spread Joy This Holiday Season

10 Easy Ways To Spread Joy This Holiday Season

When I was 23, it felt like my life had changed. After waking up with an excruciating migraine one day that ended up turning into numbing of my face and head, I knew that something was wrong.

I went to the hospital and they performed a CT scan, prescribed some medicine, and called it a day.

When the numbing progressed, I made an appointment with my doctor who listened to my concerns, jotted down notes on a sheet of paper the way doctors do, and said, “I’m going to refer you to a neurologist.”

“Why can’t we take care of it here?” I asked.

I vividly remember my doctor looking at me and saying, “Carmen, I think you might have MS.”

My heart stopped.

At the time, I worked at JP Morgan Chase and I always had a team volunteering for the MS Walk but I couldn’t even say multiple sclerosis without getting tongue-tied.

After an appointment with a neurologist and going through a series of tests, we found out that I did in fact have MS.

After my diagnosis, I went through long periods of depression but I didn’t want anyone to know. I didn’t want people to feel sorry for me or be looked down upon at work. So instead of sharing what I was going through and allowing other people to support me, I ended up hiding it and trying to do as much as I could. Speaking truthfully, this was a big factor in me sourcing my self worth from achievement, success and doing what I could for other people. This added fuel to the fire when it came to me trying to do all the things – climbing the corporate ladder, volunteering for the community, volunteering for my kids.

To this day, doctors still don’t know what causes MS or how to treat it. So after a year of medication, I ended up creating my system of treatment that is the backbone of my four pillars health that I share with you all the time –

  • Protecting your energy
  • Nourishing your body
  • Practicing daily movement
  • Slowing down

I wanted to share my story with you right in the middle of this holiday season, because whether it’s the woman behind you at the coffee shop or the one in the car next to you at the red light, every single person around you is dealing with life. The beautiful thing about that though, is that you have an opportunity to shine a light in their life!

Over these past few days, I’ve created my own 10 Days of Giving Challenge to add a little love to those around me. If you’re feeling inspired to do some good as we close out this year, here are 10 ways to give that don’t break the bank but fill lives with a ton of joy!

  • Give out Lara bars
  • Donate your coffee money to the United Way
  • Keep a few $1 bills in your wallet to give
  • Buy a cup of coffee for the person behind you
  • Get out one can of beans, tuna and veggies to donate to your local food bank
  • Write a letter of gratitude to another human
  • Sign up or donate to your local MS Walk for 2020
  • Call your grandparents and listen to them
  • Give compliments that don’t have anything to do with appearance
  • Take time to talk to a stranger

I know that the amazing and ambitious women we have in this community are capable of lighting up this holiday season for so many people!

Email me at carmen@carmenohling.com and tell me how you are going to make a difference!

Wishing you a ton of light and love,


The Five Things You Need To Make A Change

The Five Things You Need To Make A Change

Do you have goals?

I KNOW you do.

Ever need help taking serious action to make progress on your goal and actually see it through?

A LOT of people do.

As we wrap up this year and start planning all we want for 2020, I wanted to share the things in my life that have allowed me to be my highest self, build intentional relationships and grow my business!

Here are my five tips on how to actually make a change in your life and do the thing you are meant to do.

#1. You have to really know that you want to desire something different

Can you we flip the script on goals for just a second? I don’t know about you but I’m all about being a dreamer and have huge goals that I display on my vision boards and if you are like that too, that’s awesome! I think that really helps guide me.

But another thing that helps guide me is flipping that around and using my discomfort and pain as motivation. A few years ago, knowing that it would suck so much to stay where I was at and that unless I took action, the world would miss out on the powerful message that I bring to women… now that brought motivation.

The critical thing behind this thought though is the idea that you know your purpose which brings me to my next point.

#2. Lean Into Your Curiosities

“Well Carmen, that’s the thing, I don’t really know what my purpose is!” Hey, I hear you, but that’s something that you can get past and this is something that you can discover. The way to do this is by leaning into all the things that make you curious and perhaps even the things that you think you don’t have the time for.

Are you pushing down those little nudges from the universe that you should try something new or go in a different direction?

It’s so easy to because of how busy we all are! Hardly anyone has time to explore things “just for fun” anymore. But that is where the magic happens.

So know that you want more and the next time that little glimmer of curiosity hits you, consider making the time to explore what that might be.

#3. Be Ready and Willing to Take Intentional Action

Oh I can’t do that because of my family…

I can’t take that job because I need to make this amount of money…

I can’t go there because my kids need me here instead…

I can’t make time for that because I’m expected to do this…

How familiar does that sound?

Here’s the thing, you don’t need to make a gigantic jump from Point A to Point B, but you do need to always be taking intentional action in the right direction.

Sometimes this is challenging for people, especially my perfectionists out there who have an “all or nothing” mentality. Just keep in mind that It’s not the gigantic action that you take twice a year that makes your dreams come true, it’s the small deliberate action that you take each and every day.

Trust me, there is never going to be a perfect time! But consider that you only want it to be the perfect time because you’re aren’t entirely confident that you can pull off your goal otherwise. However, action builds momentum and momentum builds confidence. So start taking action today.

#4. Be Around The Right People

You’ve probably already heard that you are the product of the five people you spend most of your time around. Well, this is true!

For a long time, I started off on my own. I read books, started going after my nutrition business, left my corporate career and it was good but it wasn’t great. It really only started to become great when I started forcing myself to be in places where people were doing things that I wanted to be doing. For me, that looked like going to events, business conferences, nutrition conferences, personal growth empowerments, signing up for masterminds, etc. The energy and challenge from the other successful, amazing humans around me is what took me to the next level. It was being around other ambitious women who were able to call me out when I started dipping back into my own limiting beliefs.

#5. Be Ready and Willing to Know It’s Not Going to Be Perfect

Growth means having some challenging times. If you’re coasting through everything without any real roadblocks, you’re never giving yourself the opportunity to rise to the occasion! Lean into having times where you are pushing through uncertainty while feeling that fire in you that lets you know you have a calling to make a change and be brave. It may sound scary, but I promise it feels so good to do that!

Email me at carmen@carmenohling.com and let me know which of these tips you are going to try on in the month of December! Remember, if you need any help at all, I am here for you.

Wishing you a ton of light and love,


How to Choose Your Thoughts Carefully

How to Choose Your Thoughts Carefully

How much time do you spend carefully curating your selfies?⠀

How much time do you spend curating the words you think and speak to yourself?⠀

Your thoughts are powerful.

The words you think and speak to yourself shape your life and paint your reality whether you realize it or not. ⠀

I use to fear my thoughts, believing I had no control over them. After digging in (and lots of daily practice of reframing) I learned that my thinking was creating my experiences, just like your thoughts are likely creating yours!⠀

As I learned to take control of my thoughts, it became easier to align myself with higher thoughts and my entire life began to shift!⠀

Ways You Can Reframe Your World

  1. Observe – Keep a journal handy and start by paying close attention to the thoughts that go through your mind in any given day. Now, really try to pay attention! Catching the thoughts that you tell yourself isn’t super easy to do because the things you tell yourself and choose to believe are incredibly subconscious. Take note of everything! Your own positive self praises, the moments you’re being hard on yourself and the things you might be thinking about other people.
  2. Reflect – After three days, review your journal as if you were a stranger reading about the story of someone’s life. Are the thoughts you’re reading one of a woman who truly believes in herself and is kind to others? Are you reading about a woman who is constantly wondering why these things always happen to her? Are you reading about someone who gives grace to herself and others? Is trapped by her own negative self talk?
  3. Reframe – Take note of a single thought that is clearly not serving you and brainstorm ways you can see that thought in a new light. For example, you can take “Why is this happening to me?” and turn it into, “How is this happening for me?” See how that went from a place of defeat to a window of opportunity? Or perhaps you can take the thought, “I can’t handle this” and reframe it to, “I know I’m capable of working through this because I’ve conquered _____.”
  4. Grant Grace – If you start to feel overwhelmed by how many thoughts you should likely reframe or are frustrated that the reframes aren’t coming naturally, do not worry! This is perfectly normal and shouldn’t be a cause for frustration. Here’s why… At the end of the day, your thoughts are trying to protect you. When life gets tough or scary, your mind wants to save you from that and the easiest way to do so is by preventing you from leaning into the discomfort. That being said, the way to “win” here isn’t by achieving zero negative thoughts in a day. The “win” is that you’re able to realize when you’re experiencing a thought that isn’t serving you to the highest potential and are able to turn into something better.

Some Extra Practice
For me, it’s easiest to generate positive thoughts throughout the day when I start by putting myself in the right headspace first thing in the morning. Here are a few powerful thoughts (mantras) that I use to align myself and my thoughts to high vibe energy:⠀

  • I am complete. ⠀
  • Life is fun, easy and every flowing. ⠀
  • My life is infinitely abundant. ⠀
  • The world needs me and my unique gifts. ⠀
  • I am a magnet for miracles. ⠀
  • There is enough time and money for everything. ⠀
  • I always have everything I need and it flows to me in abundance and at the perfect time. ⠀
  • I deserve the best in life. ⠀
  • I am filled with positive, radiant light and I shine wherever I go. ⠀

I want to hear from you! What is your favorite mantra or words of affirmation that you use? Email me at carmen@carmenohling.com and share one of your own or take one of mine and make it your own.

Wishing you a ton of light and love,


4 Simple Strategies to Stay on Track This Holiday Season ⠀

4 Simple Strategies to Stay on Track This Holiday Season ⠀

Did you know….

🥬 Food contains information that speaks to our genes, not just calories for energy. Research is showing us that nutrient dense foods “talk” to our DNA switching on or off genes that lead to health or disease. What you eat programs your body with the message of health or illness.⠀

🥒 What you put on your plate and in your mouth daily is more powerful medicine than anything you will find at the bottom a prescription. ⠀

🍓Are you feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired? Start with food! Food is the most powerful medicine available to heal chronic disease.⠀

🥑 Fat is not “bad”, in fact you should eat it daily! Think coconut, avocado, seeds, nuts, and natural nut butters. ⠀

🍭 In the other hand, sugar when combined with fat or carbohydrates and eaten consistently in high amounts, is one of the primary reason so many people are overweight or obese. Duh, right?!? Read this point again, then look in your cupboard!!⠀

Wondering where to start?

I have you covered. Here are 4 simple strategies and rituals to keep you going strong as we head into the holiday season.

1️⃣ Cook more meals at home using real, minimally processed foods.

I get it! There’s the holiday dinner parties, corporate events, the person in your office who is sharing all of their fall baking with you and it is hard to say, “no.”

Yes, you can choose to consciously indulge a handful of times, but very mindful of when you decide to not cook breakfast or take lunch to work, because you know there are going to be treats at the office.

If you absolutely must go out for a meal, you can still make solid choices! It’s okay to be that person who asks about how the food is made and what ingredients are used in it. You are free to make requests for your meal to be prepared in a way that makes you actually feel good about your decision rather than feeling bloated and guilty.

2️⃣ Make water your primary beverage daily and drink no less than 75oz. ⠀

As it gets colder, our bodies naturally gravitate towards wanting warmer foods and drinks, but make sure all of the coffee and hot chocolate is in moderation. At the end of the day, your body still needs water so make sure that is what you’re choosing to accompany your meals with water more often than not.

3️⃣ Fill your plate with veggies first, then add the rest. ⠀

This tip, like the others, definitely applies year round. Take advantage of the fall and winter vegetables that are in season such as butternut squash, brussels sprouts, kale, carrots and sweet potatoes!

4️⃣ Try one new healthy recipe each week and keep track of the ones you enjoy!⠀

Need some new ideas? Head over to Instagram and search #cookathomewithcarmen to find over 100 recipes you can use to switch things up. (Or you can just click here!) Remember, eating healthy does not have to be boring! Take the time to slow down and find new things that sound fun to try. You can even make it an event at your house where you can get your husband and kids involved and make memories!

Above all, I hope you keep in mind that preparing delicious and nutrient dense food for yourself is a way that you can put yourself first! I know that you’re off doing big things and gracing your body with nourishing foods is a gigantic act of self care.

Email me at carmen@carmenohling.com and let me know which tip you are going to take action on first. Need help taking action? I’m here for you as well!

Wishing you a ton of light and love,


How to Get Out of Your Own Way

How to Get Out of Your Own Way

Fill in the blank.

Something that is currently holding me back from reaching what I desire is _______.

About 2 weeks ago when I asked this question on Instagram, 90% of people had the exact same response.

Do you know what that was?


People said that they were holding themselves back.

This is so common – even I held myself back for such a long time.

I didn’t think I was good enough.

I would think of the dreams that I’d want and then I’d worry what other people thought if I showed up in the world that way.

Or, I would worry about looking stupid, failing, or not being the best at something.

Realistically, people looked at me and they thought I was super successful at what I did. In a lot of ways, I was – I had a great family, a great career, gave back to the community.

But the funny thing was that I was getting my own way because I only said yes to things that I was already good at. So of course I looked like I was good everything – I was setting myself up for that! The catch was, I’d only ever be good. I’d never be great or amazing or fantastic because I never was never putting myself in a situation where I had the opportunity to learn.

Today, my life has done a total 180. All I ever want to do now is put myself in situations that are new so that I can grow. This has built so much confidence!

Now, whenever I’m in a new situation and I potentially fumble, I know that it shows people that I’m human and give them a chance to be human too.

I want to encourage you that if you’re someone who keeps telling yourself you’re getting in your own way. You have to take radical responsibility for your life and until you do, you’re going to keep telling yourself the same old story. You have to start trying to do new things.

I want each and everyone of you to know that whatever your dreams and desires are, you can go after them today because you are worthy and you are enough.

If it’s not perfect, that’s totally okay!

You just have to start.

You have to start because momentum builds motivation which then builds confidence.

Email me today at carmen@carmenohling.com and let me know below if you’re someone who thinks you are getting in your own way. What is one thing you can take responsibility for and take action on? I’m happy to help you find your next first step.

Wishing you a ton of light and love,



Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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