A Simple Trick For Getting More Done

A Simple Trick For Getting More Done

People always tell me that they need more time in their day. 

I disagree.

I believe that what you actually need is more energy. The amazing thing about energy, is that you get to protect it! You can shield yourself from distractions and other things that drain your energy. (This topic is something that we can ALL use – even myself.)

It’s probably no surprise that one of the biggest distractions for most people is their phone!

Did you know that the average person checks a social media app around 10 times (or more) per day. Often times, we end up reaching for our phones out of habit! On top of that, we don’t even realize that we’re checking it! 

Fun fact: Studies show that when you check one of your social media apps, you’re average session is between 10-20 minutes. The math is clear and simple.

If you check your phone 10 times a day and spend 20 minutes each time on it, you are spending nearly 3 ½ hours of your day on social media! (And you say you need more time, huh?)So I ask, why are you on social media in the first place? 

Most responses to this question including “trying to connect with friends or family” or even “connecting for business reasons”. But the truth is that most people fall into the 90/9/1 rule.

Here’s what that is:

  • Most people are spending 90% of their time are consuming information.
  • 9% of the time we are interacting with information.
  • 1% of the time we are actually creating a post.

My next question for you is, what kinds of content are you consuming?

Often times, we are looking at people and wondering why we aren’t doing what they are doing, or we’re comparing ourselves and feeling less-than. These kinds of thoughts take up so much space in our brain!

This content is not building us up, it is sucking energy out of us.

It’s completely distracting us from all of the things we’re trying to accomplish in the first place!

So – if you are trying to get things done while dealing with these distractions, think of what you could be doing with the 3 ½ hours social media may be taking from you.

We have less than 90 days in 2019 and that means that if you still want to take powerful steps forward to reach your goals, you may need to tweak some of your actions. I’ve got you covered – here is a challenge and a tip.

Challenge: Don’t hop on social media for the rest of the day and cut yourself off mid-day for the next three days. I encourage you to do this as thoughtfully and as intentionally as you can. Don’t just try to rush through the next 10 hours and celebrate by curling up with your phone before bed. Really think about how checking out for a bit makes you feel.

  • Are you more present?
  • Are you actually listening to what your family and friends have to say?
  • Do you feel more engaged with the world around you?
  • Are more focused and alert?
  • Are these feelings you haven’t felt in a while?
  • Do you want to keep feeling this way?

If so, you can try incorporating something called ‘batch working’ into your routine. There are plenty of apps that can help with this, but essentially you’ll choose one task to focus on and turn off all notifications so Facebook, Instagram, email, etc. aren’t there to pull you out of focus.

I want to hear from you!  Email me at carmen@carmenohling.com and type “I’m in!”  the subject line so I know that you’re trying to make this change. I’d love for you to check back with me after your three days and let me know what showed up for you…..

I’m so excited to see what you discover.

Wishing you a ton of light and love,


Why You Can’t (And Shouldn’t) Do Everything

Why You Can’t (And Shouldn’t) Do Everything

You cannot do everything.

I know, I know… This may be confusing because it sounds like the opposite of everything you’ve ever heard!

But here is the thing… What you have actually heard is, “You can do anything.” In fact, we’ve been hearing this message since we were younger. Now, whether or not you truly believe this is one thing that I’m sure we’ll get into another day, but this one is for my believers. If you truly believe that you can do anything, I urge to be sure that you aren’t trying to do everything.

My main point today is that as we grow in life, we have to make trade-offs and let go of things to allow new things to come into our lives.

Let’s illustrate this. For example, let’s stay that maybe you go to college, become a career woman,  get married and have kids. Now all of a sudden you’re trying to be the best mom, wife, career woman, volunteer at your kid’s school all while trying to keep up with your health and squeeze in the tiny amount of time you have left to catch your breath. At the end of the day, you find yourself so unfulfilled, so tired, and actually have no time for yourself because you’re to-do list is on all day, everyday. This is not the way to live!

So, I ask you to pause and figure out – 

  1. Where are you at today?
  2. Who are you today?
  3. What do you stand for?
  4. What is important to you?

Then, you have to prioritize those things in your day. You have to be willing to make significant trade offs if you want to keep growing and striving to reach your full potential.

What This Looks Like For Me

In my own life, I’ve had my own coaching and nutrition business for the past 5 years. I’ve really transitioned into doing more in the online space, speaking at events and all of this really lights me up! But earlier this year, I found myself really stressed and overwhelmed. After some reflection, I realized what was happening.

I was still doing everything that I started out doing and just added more to it. I added on new amazing coaching programs for empowering women, working with them on a 1:1 basis every week, speaking on big sages.

But, I didn’t give up older programs and habits  because they were a security blanket for me! So I made some changes. What I’ve done recently is let go some of my old programs to create space for new opportunities in my life and in my business.

This has been such a game changer! I’ve been able to step into who I am as a woman, who I want to be, what I want to bring into this world and how I can share my gifts better with all of you!

You’ll notice that in my own story, there was a resistance to change because of fear. This is not uncommon. People will cling to an unsatisfactory way of life rather than change it to get something better in fear of getting something worse. But remember, the saying we’ve heard all our lives is still true. We can do anything we set our minds to. So try to let go of the old while going all in with the new.

The act of consciously choosing a new way is something will grow into a habit and will be easier to do over time. 

So I ask you…

  • Where do you want to be?
  • What are you still holding onto today that you need to let go of even if it’s scary or feels expected of you?

I’d love for you to share this message with an ambitious woman in your life who you know is striving for something! Then, I’d love for you to shoot me an email about what you’re striving for and what is is that you need to let go of.

We have just around 90 days left in this year! Let’s make some room for great things.

Wishing you a ton of light and love,


How to Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously

How to Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously


Ever feel like life is feeling really heavy? Our jobs are demanding. Our family life is demanding. It’s as if time is slipping through our fingers and everything feels so high pressure. When we live our lives trapped by our to-do lists and driven by the outer expectations we think we have to live up to, we tend to respond in a certain way… by acting as if everything is always on the line.

I’m here to tell you that it is time to shake all of that off because the only thing that mentality does for you is dampen your big, beautiful spirit that the world needs to see!

If this resonates with you and you feel like you need to have it all together, I encourage you to try one of the things on the list that will help take the weight of the world off of your shoulders.

1. Lean into being silly

Have you ever been lucky enough to pull up at a stop light and see the person in the car next to you throwing a dance party in their car? They are totally feeling the song, singing along and dancing as if no one can see them. Well, a car tint only takes you so far, but I don’t want that to stop you! Lean into being light hearted, lean into potentially causing people to laugh. Life is too short to let your self worth depend on who’s watching or acknowledging you. Dance to the beat of your own drum. Literally!

2. Appreciate the positive, laugh at the negative

Hey, it could always be worse…Whenever it feels like you just truly are not having any luck, focus on the things that are in control and the rest? Take it with a grain of salt! Remember, you can’t always control what happens, but you can control how you respond. Your response doesn’t have to be negative, or uptight, or one made out of panic… you are an incredible woman who can handle anything that is blown her way.

3. Toss out other people’s opinions 

An amazing quote that I’ve heard before says, “It’s not the critic who counts…the credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena.”  Do you know what this means? It means that while you are off living your best life and living up to your highest self, other people’s opinions don’t mean anything. You can try new things and even if they fail, you showed up and that’s probably more than they can say! So don’t be driven by fear, do the best you can and laugh along the way.

4. Smile more! 

Now, I’m not saying to fake it until you make it, but I do know that how we act is how we feel. So be playful! Wear the brightly colored dress! Put on that shade of lipstick you’ve been dying to try. Go out with your friends for lunch even if it’s just for small talk. Take the time to do  the things you find enjoyment out of rest assured that everything else will be fine.

I hope this was helpful for you! Just remember, you’re freaking amazing and life doesn’t always need to be so serious. If you’re having a hard time letting go of your to-do list or are still feeling constrained in life, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! We can set up a free 15 minute call to discuss how you’re feeling and brainstorm ways to work around it. I am always here to chat and guide you through it, so you can change your mindset to bring you back to the lighter side of life.

Wishing you a ton of light and love,


The 90 Second Rule

The 90 Second Rule

Have you heard of the 90 Second Rule? This is something that I have used to become super conscious of my relationship with food. (Don’t think you have a relationship with food? Keep reading!) I will definitely share the 90 second rule with you below, but first, let’s start with some questions…

  • Ever find yourself reaching for something sweet or indulgent anytime you’re going through a hard time? (Aka using food to numb yourself of unwanted emotions)
  • Are you familiar with reaching for a snack when you’re sitting on the couch as you try to find a TV show to watch?
  • Do you need more than one hand to count the times you’ve eaten out because a friend or coworker invited you to lunch or Sunday brunch?
  • Is there a certain of the day you routinely pop open a bag of chips or candy?

If you said YES to any of the above, it’s time to interrupt this negative pattern and enter the world of food freedom.

But let’s be honest, for starters, I have been guilty of saying YES to all of the above which at their core mean using food in unhealthy ways to – 

  • Numb your feelings
  • Entertain yourself when you’re bored
  • Fit in with others
  • Mindlessly eat out of routine rather than necessity

Again, I have been through all of these before and never stopped to listen to my body and check in with myself. It felt like a never ending cycle that I could not break. ⠀

Now, what’s this “food freedom” thing you ask? For me, food freedom means eating when you’re hungry, eating a variety of foods that make you feel good and having the utmost control to refrain from eating half a jar of peanut butter at a time. 

Here’s how to get started. Use my 90 second rule! The 90 second rule works because when we experience a feeling or emotion, it only takes 90 seconds for us to feel it and allow it to pass. By sitting with yourself for a full 90 seconds, it stops you from reaching for food, it interrupts the pattern and it allows you to be in control of your choice. These are the steps – 

✖️Whenever you feel like you’re itching to eat something, stop and be still for 90 seconds to check in with yourself. ⠀

✖️Feel the feeling you are trying to ignore. Is it stress? Worry? Sadness? Boredom?

✖️Ask yourself what you need- do you really need food or do you need to have a conversation, go for a walk, take a shower… do something that continues to interrupt your “normal pattern.”⠀

✖️Repeat as many times as needed. ⠀

At first this will be challenging and it should be, you’re trying to break years of programming! With practice, it will get easier and you will start to see and feel the results! ⠀

Need help working through this? This is only a part of what I help many ambitious women, just like you, work through in order to level up in their life. I’d love the same for you! If you’re interested in learning more about what having a coach is like, email me at carmen@carmenohling.com and we’ll chat about it.

Wishing you a ton of light and love,


4 Ways to Easily Boost Your Energy

4 Ways to Easily Boost Your Energy

We have all been there… those those days where we just feel our energy feels completely depleted.

As women, we are constantly juggling a million different things such as our family needs, children, work, and personal goals, so I understand why it’s easy to feel burnt out by 2:00pm. But I am here to tell you there is always something we can do to help our energy levels!

Here are some of my own quick tips that are natural and simple ways to heighten your energy and show up powerfully in your life.

  1. Get Moving
    Move, Move, Move! Get outside, take a WALK. There are several benefits to walking such as increasing your energy, but it also will allow you to increase muscle strength and endurance which will reduce body fat. So get outside and connect with nature!
  2. Drink Up!
    Well, drink water that is. A quick hit of 10-12 oz of water can make a huge difference! Often in today’s rushed society, we are dehydrated. Not having enough water impacts the flow of oxygen to the brain and causes your heart to work harder to pump oxygen to all your bodily organs making you more tired and less alert. So try keeping a bottle handy for when you feel like you’re slowing down.
  3. Sit Up
    Sit up straight in a chair, feet flat, shoulders down and pulled back. Take a deep breath in then exhale. Repeat this 3-5 times. Many of us naturally breathe very shallowly, especially when stressed- taking a few deep breaths will invigorate you!
  4. Dress Up
    Feeling down over a period of several days? It’s been shown that people feel the way the act. So instead of reaching for clothes that you know you could easily take a nap in, take a shot at wearing something bold and bright as the energy you’re hoping to radiate!

I hope these tips can help you give you that burst of energy you need to own your day! If you’ve been following my content, you know that I am a huge advocate of protecting your energy. My wish for you is that you will discover, protect and radiate the most amazing and beautiful light that already lives inside of you! If you need any help with that at all, email me at carmen@carmenohling.com so we can get you on the path to having endless energy.

Wishing you a ton of light and love,



Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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