by Carmen Ohling | Jul 4, 2019 | Live., Movitation, Uncategorized
It’s amazing that as women, we all want to be seen. We all want to be seen for all that we are and all that we’ve done, but when given the opportunity, we tend to hide because it’s not perfect.
The environment is not perfect, our hair is not perfect, our thoughts are not perfect, the situation is not perfect, or our outfits not perfect… ⠀
The Back Story
I used to be so wrapped up in what others thought of me, I didn’t even know who I was anymore. “Who am I to do this?”, “There are people who are better than me”, “What if I fuck up and look dumb?” were thoughts that replayed in my head day after day and held me back in every way imaginable. They were on repeat in my head and there was no way I could stop them. But honestly, I didn’t even try.
I didn’t try because I was in fear of what I might uncover. Instead, I just filled every day with more and more. I thought that the more I did and the more external validation I received, the better I would feel. I lived every day so neutral, so “everything is fine”, that I didn’t even know what it was like to experience true joy. Until…. I was over it.⠀I became so sick of not achieving all that I wanted in life and knowing everything I was doing was based on one single emotion… fear.
Here is the thing – I knew that fear was not going to completely disappear from my life, so I needed to stop viewing it as a bad thing to get rid of. Instead, I needed to view it as something that was perfectly fine. What was not perfectly fine, was it running my life.
The Truth I Discovered
I became determined to have a healthy relationship with fear and here is what I learned.
What a healthy relationship with fear does consist of, is consciously knowing that fear will always be sitting right next to you… but also knowing you have the power to not let it take control. What the heck do I mean? Well, let’s say you are getting ready to take the leap and do your first Instagram live and of freaking course here comes that fear making you feel like you aren’t ready. Well, not allowing fear to take over means that you are going to tell your fear, “Thank you for stopping by, your timing couldn’t have been more perfect, but please take a seat and watch me rock this live video!”
Having a healthy relationship with fear does not consist of filling your day with more to-do’s. More to-dos that you take on simply to gain some external validation that will make you feel temporarily better about yourself. (Keyword: Temporarily.)
Not letting your life be run by fear means acknowledging the discomfort and choosing to lean into it anyway.
Not letting your life be run by fear means gracing yourself the permission to be the fullest expression of you.
What You Need To Know
As you begin to lean more into your power, know that when you authentically shine it does not diminish the light of others – it allows them to shine even brighter, too. With that comes more authentic and powerful relationships.
Know that when you authentically shine you will be noticed in the light you have always wanted to be seen in.
I’m here to tell you…
❌F**k perfection.
❌ F**k “everything is fine.”
I believe in you and I know that you are capable of doing so many great things. Creating a healthy relationship with fear is going to take a conscious effort and patience with yourself, but this is something you can do.
So tell me… What have you been after in life that fear has been holding you back from? What discomfort are you going to be leaning into this week? Shoot me an email, let’s chat about it, and if you have any questions on how to create a life you are so freaking pumped about it, reach me at:
Sending you a ton of light and love,
by Carmen Ohling | Jun 29, 2019 | Clean Eating, Eat., Recipes
If you’re like me, I love the 4th of July, the time together with family and friends and all of the delicious foods that go with it! This year we are making Mediterranean skewers, grilled fruit, creamy artichoke salad, brussels sprout and beet salad and super yummy zucchini bread cookies!!
I love using fresh ingredients that are in abundance this time of year, like zucchini! I also love grilling EVERYTHING, it’s so simple do without having to sacrifice any flavor or nutrition!!
You can say hello to these recipes, a shopping list and the nutritional information by clicking the link below!
Grab Your Recipes Here!
Enjoy the holiday!
by Carmen Ohling | Jun 21, 2019 | Live.
Live Coaching Recap: Journaling
Welcome! This week on Instagram as part of my live coaching series, we talked all about morning rituals. If you missed it, I shared that my personal morning ritual is made up of several pieces, but the one that has had the most impact on me is journaling. I truly believe that journaling increases mindfulness, your ability to stay present and boosts self-awareness which are all things that can help you lead a very fulfilled life.
If we were to rewind back to when I first started journaling, you’d find me sitting down in the morning and staring at a blank piece of paper with no clue what to write. However, as I stuck to it, I found that I was able to prompt myself better and better (aka ask myself better questions). Then, I was able to create better responses which ultimately led to me having a clearer understanding of what I love and what I’m after in life.
If you’re thinking of starting a journaling practice, here are four prompts for you to start with! If you missed the live coaching this week, click directly on the prompts to watch the recordings.
4 Journaling Prompts for Starters
- How do you want to feel and what will help you feel this way?
Jotting down how you want to feel helps you stay focused on the life that you want. Keeping that top of mind will help you make conscientious decisions to ensure you get there! The follow-up question of “what will help you feel this way?” is where the rubber hits to the road. This prompts you to think of actionable steps you can take to create the life you want. For example, if you want to feel calm and relaxed in the mornings, you can think of ways to build your day around that goal, rather than waking up and immediately hopping on the treadmill of life.
- List 3 things that you are grateful for.
This does not have to be something big, fancy and profound! For example, yes, you can be grateful for your marriage or a big promotion. However, you can also be grateful for warm coffee in the morning or having one hour of free time.
- What are you proud of yourself for?
Often times as busy and ambitious women, we have many goals! Once we accomplish a goal, we immediately move on the next without acknowledging the work and commitment it took for us to complete the first one. Use this prompt to pause and acknowledge the things you’ve done – however big or small you think it might be!
- Write down 3 positive affirmations.
Affirmations have the power to be a guiding light throughout your day! Want my go-to list of affirmations? Please send me a message and I’ll personally send it over to you! You can also read my actual journal entries, by clicking here.
If you have any more questions at all about journaling, do not hesitate to reach out to me so that I can help. I’m so excited for you to start this practice and see what it reveals for you.
Sending you a ton of light and love,
Questions? Email me at :
by Carmen Ohling | May 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
Thank you so much for watching Thrive Thursday on Living Local!
I hope you enjoy these simple, healthy and delicious recipes. Ready to take your nutrition to the next level, lose weight, increase energy and feel amazing? Save 10% off of any of my nutrition services and plans, use this code at checkout: livinglocal
Carmen Ohling
Questions? Email me at :
Find more recipes like these at:
by Carmen Ohling | May 17, 2019 | Clean Eating, Recipes
#1 Butternut Squash: Watch!
#2 Cage Free Organic Eggs: Watch!
#3 Almond Butter: Watch!
#4 Bok Choy: Watch!
#5 Unsweetened Coconut: Watch!