How To Take Care Of Yourself This Summer

How To Take Care Of Yourself This Summer

I love summer; I have always loved summer! 🌞
How about you?
However, in the past, I was not that great about taking care of myself in the summer. There were more late nights, missed workouts, and cocktails, and way less self-care and intentional living! 😅
How about you?
If you have put yourself aside this summer, there’s still time to take back your summer and feel amazing! Start keeping your commitments to yourself again, starting today. Maybe it’s taking a few minutes each morning to live a little more intentionally, or getting in your daily movement that makes you feel so darn good! 💪
So, what are you ready to start again? ✨
If you need a get-away and some extra “me” time, I highly encourage you to join us at the Permission Slip Retreat in Redmond, OR, from Sept 14-17th as well. We are diving into all things pleasure and how to experience it more often, even in the most mundane moments of life. It’s going to be life-changing! Click HERE to grab one of the last 3 spots! 🏖️
Will I see you in Redmond in September? 🤗
Whatever you do, don’t forget about taking care of YOU this summer! ☀️
3 Ways To Become A More Successful Leader & Coach

3 Ways To Become A More Successful Leader & Coach

🌟 3 Ways To Become A More Successful Leader & Coach 🌟

😎 EVERYONE wants to know the secret to feel, look, and be successful in life.

💼 They want to land dream clients and make $$$$…

🚀 But few are actually willing to do what it takes to get there…

🤔 Are you?

You can accelerate your growth by focusing in on self-awareness and self-mastery by working with a coach or mentor and getting step-by-step guidance…

🚫 THERE IS NO SHORTCUT, so stop searching!


At the end of the day, there is only ONE way to become a highly successful and paid leader and coach…

Take your focus off of others and practice….


The best leaders and coaches in the world understand that their number one asset is themselves, and when they focus on self-mastery, self-awareness, and radical responsibility, they can catapult their growth in their own life and business!

Are you ready to move from good to great?


Click HERE to learn more about Flow Academy. Enrollment begins late September!


This is My Story. Use it as a Gift the Next Time You Feel Thoughts of Lack and Scarcity

This is My Story. Use it as a Gift the Next Time You Feel Thoughts of Lack and Scarcity

I’m writing this letter to you in real-time. 👇

✍️ It’s Thursday, July 6 at 6:54 PM, and I’m sitting in Flamingo Park in Miami Beach, and I am reflecting on my day, and I want to share it with you because I’m hoping you can find yourself in my story, and use it as a gift the next time you feel the way I felt today.

From the moment I woke up, my thoughts were projecting into the future, and not in the expansive visioning kind of way!

They sounded more like this.. What was my business revenue going to be this summer? Will I have enough cash flow to make the employee investments that I need to make? Geez, I feel so stiff, my body is tired, am I getting sick? Maybe I need to take the day off? Am I making the wrong decision by putting so much pressure on myself this month? Maybe I don’t need to challenge myself physically?

So knowing that these thoughts were not my truth, I proceeded to start my morning rituals. Yet, I couldn’t focus. I think I wrote three sentences in my journal and completely stopped. Joal played in his sound bowl, and I meditated and prayed.

Then I thought… Movement! Movement is what I needed, so I start it out of my God walk and then hit the gym. This helped, I was starting to feel a little aliveness in my body. So I decided to take a shower and get ready and put on a cute outfit that I felt really good in.

More thoughts of lack, scarcity…

So instead of trying to “fix” my thoughts or “figure” them out, I allowed the discomfort, in fact, I chose to welcome it and started my day.

The opportunity we each have daily is starting over. So, I started over. But, I’m not starting from scratch. I’m starting with more wisdom, more power, and way more spiritual anointing.

My ego began to take a backseat. The old tactics she used to keep me stuck and small are not longer working. I’m allowing, even inviting the discomfort and still taking action.

I anchored myself in the moment, in the discomfort. I allowed it, recognized it, and connected inward. I wasn’t going to work to fight back the old ways I used to fight back. I assumed a new position, a softening in my spirit, I went into a sacred mode vs. hustle mode.

I recognized that if I am going to step into the next assignment that God has for me, that I can’t attack this with the very thing I’ve been called to change and heal in the world.

This wasn’t an ordinary moment. This was a sacred moment. God is anchoring me and showing me how to transition.

This is not a falling apart, it’s a rebuilding, a revitalization. 

My ego, the enemy is scared. Rightfully so. I’m starting over, revitalizing, taking new territory.

As I heal, I heal the world. I’m okay with going first. Want to join me? 🙌


Here’s to starting over, but not starting from scratch 🙏💫💕


I love you,



“There’s never been a time such as this.”

“There’s never been a time such as this.”

“There’s never been a time such as this.”
I have heard this over and over throughout this year. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, hold it and say this phrase, “there’s never been a time such as this” to yourself. Keeping your eyes closed, take a few more deep breaths, place your hands on your heart, and one more deep breath…. 💭
What comes up for you? Maybe a twinge of excitement within your chest, a feeling of connectedness and groundedness in your soul? Or it could be one of those days and you’re allowing your mind to wander into the future of your never-ending to-do list. There’s no right or wrong here, I just encourage you to try this practice.
It’s been very revealing for me this year. A few ideas that came through after working with this quick practice: 👇
1.  What if the retreat is no longer “intimate”? 🔍 What if true intimacy is not with others but a practice within us that can be cultivated, and the collective energy of a more expansive group is capable of being the catalyst for bigger, bolder transformation.
2. Your book is meant to be channeled through you, not written by you. 📚 Create the space for it to come through. Although you are writing about letting go of the notion that we must do everything to condense time (AKA save time AKA rush daily), there is an opportunity here to create an environment of creativity, play, and focus to condense the writing process and allow ease and flow. 
By the way, these are things that I am sitting with. Not yet taking action on, but I have written them down and I am sitting in contemplation with them. I encourage you to do the same.
I hope you enjoyed this beautiful practice this week and I’d love to hear what comes up for you! 👂 Hit reply and let me know! ✉️


Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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