What are you looking forward to in May?

What are you looking forward to in May?

Over the past month I have hosted the first Permission Slip Retreat of the year in Laguna Beach, hosted both of our kids (Marcellus & Jahnay) in Miami for Easter, attended my sister’s wedding in California, and celebrated my brother and sister-in-laws marriage in Playa del Carmen.
Joal and I were able to travel together while serving and showing up for our friends and family, and I am SO appreciative for that (it’s one of our dreams coming true!) Oh, and even visited our friends at Amansala in Tulum where the Permission Slip Retreat was hosted last year…
(BTW- Details for the next retreat will be released next month. Stay tuned!)
…Next month, I am looking forward to the next cohort of Flow Academy begins on May 2nd and the group is going to be so expansive, connected and impactful!! I also manifested seeing one of my first mentors and spiritual guides IN-PERSON in May, and it feels like Christmas!! My parents are coming to visit us in Miami Beach and celebrate my Dad’s 70th birthday and their 36th wedding anniversary… I am so excited!!! May is going to be so fulfilling and joyful!!
What are you looking forward to in May? I want to hear from you! Let me know by hitting reply today, and we’ll chat!!

(One more BTW- Do you want more in-person pop-up events this year? If so, where? Let me know that too!)


Sending you so much light and love,


Written by Carmen Ohling

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Did you know that over 50 million Americans have an autoimmune condition, and 80% of those affected are women?

Did you know that over 50 million Americans have an autoimmune condition, and 80% of those affected are women?

Did you know that over 50 million Americans have an autoimmune condition, and 80% of those affected are women?

I am one of them. Chances are you might be too...

When I was 25, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and prescribed a drug that made me feel worse than my disease. Anything to commit to the cure, right?

Well, this drug only slowed the progression of MS in 50% of cases. There is actually no prescribed cure.

I committed to that drug for a year and—girl let me tell you—it was a year of pain, of weakness, of feeling defeated. I finally decided that potentially buying more time wasn’t worth ruining the time I know I had. There just had to be another way…

With the help of life coaching, I tuned into my body. I listened, I ate, and I started leading my diet by design, not by prescribed default.

Now, I feel amazing. Better, in fact, than I ever have!

And it was not just luck that my disease hasn’t progressed in all these years…it was holistic healing. 

That’s the “diet” I prescribe: understand yourself—from your mind to your gut—so you can design a life where your whole self thrives.

This is why I am so passionate about the work that I do- teaching women to take care of themselves, set boundaries and go for their big dreams and goals with ease and FLOW!

Are you ready to take that next steps in your life? I am ready to lead you if so!

P.S. Leading a healthier life also means eliminating stress—including money stress! Start building a life where money no longer worries when you enroll in FLOW Academy with one of our accessible payment plans. Click HERE to learn more.


In healing and health for all,


Written by Carmen Ohling

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Harvard’s Study Reveals The Key to a Healthy and Happy Life

Harvard’s Study Reveals The Key to a Healthy and Happy Life

According to Harvard’s longest study on human happiness, the key to living a healthy and happy life is RELATIONSHIPS! All types of relationships, whether they be your significant other, your family, friends, work colleagues, or community members.
That leads me to think of another recent study that said:
This is why I am so passionate about building community and deep, meaningful relationships and then teaching others to do the same!
This is the idea that I love to share: BE THE ONE. BE THE ONE TO SHOW THE WORLD HOW TRULY GREAT LIFE CAN BE!
Will you join us? Here are a few ways: 👇
1️⃣   Pay attention to this newsletter each week. Below this letter, there’s a section for connection. This is where I share a ton of virtual and in-person events that I am hosting attending or am promoting because someone I love and believe in is hosting!
2️⃣  Join our Permission Slip Community for free HERE and connect! Plus, join our monthly learning workshop, or heck better yet, join our free group devotional conversation to uplift your spirit!
3️⃣  Consider joining us in Flow Academy… Enrollment are now open, and you will have access to save $500 + over $3600 in bonuses when you enroll right away by clicking HERE. In Flow Academy, we have dedicated an entire lesson to relationships and how to cultivate them or in some cases, let them go.
How do you feel about the relationships in your life? Supported? Challenged? Isolated? Commend down and let me know, then join 1, 2, or 3 above!

Written by Carmen Ohling

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What makes an impactful, aspirational leader?

What makes an impactful, aspirational leader?

I am thinking a ton about LEADERSHIP this year. I have been feeling the nudge to step into leading, teaching, and speaking even more than ever, and it’s been so impactful and exciting to take action so far this year.

What makes an impactful, aspirational leader?

In my experience, the most impactful leaders are the ones that have focused on personal mastery through personal growth work. Personal growth can have a significant impact on your leadership skills in several ways:

1. Increased self-awareness: Personal growth helps you understand your strengths, weaknesses, and values, which can help you lead more effectively.

2. Improved communication: As you grow personally, you become better at communicating your ideas and listening to others, which is crucial for effective leadership.

3. Better decision-making: Personal growth helps you make more informed and thoughtful decisions by providing you with a broader perspective on different situations.

4. Enhanced empathy: Developing empathy through personal growth can help you connect with your team members on a deeper level, which can improve team morale and productivity.

How do you feel about your leadership right now?

Are you feeling like it’s time to uplevel and build a strong foundation of PERSONAL MASTERY so that you can get to that next level?

This is exactly what we teach in the Flow Academy, Level 1 Certification. You can check it out HERE– enrollment begins on 4/14!!

Questions? Simply hit reply and we can chat!


Sending you light love and BIG impact leadership vibes,

Written by Carmen Ohling

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If you said, YES to this like I have done so many times, TRY THIS ON SUNDAY…

If you said, YES to this like I have done so many times, TRY THIS ON SUNDAY…

For years I spent a ton of time getting ready. I am not talking about putting on makeup and getting dressed… I am talking about getting ready to start the next big thing in my life. No matter if it was a personal goal or a business goal, you could often find me getting ready to get ready. And, what happens when you are getting ready? YOU ARE NOT TAKING ACTION!!!!


Can you relate?


Are you desiring something new in your life? Maybe trying a new workout class, developing a new offering in your business to connect with more clients, or reaching out more often to build deeper, more intentional relationships in your life?


If you said, YES to this like I have done so many times, TRY THIS ON SUNDAY…


1. Set aside 10 mins and create a high-vibe environment for yourself. Get your favorite beverage, light a candle, sit in nature, and get out your journal and planner.


2. Write this question in your journal: If I were to live this week without any fear or doubt, what would the highest version of myself do?


3. Free write without editing yourself for 5 minutes. Don’t correct your spelling or grammar or overthink it, just let your pen flow. Be as specific as possible, allow yourself to dream and vision your life with you showing up BIG and BOLD. Specifics matter- your ego (fear-based self) is vague, but your highest self (inner knowing) is specific!!


4. Next, pull out your planner, or schedule on your phone and review what you have set up for the week. Remove 3-4 tasks or appointments you have set up by asking for help, delegating them, or canceling/rescheduling. Now, put in the new tasks/activities that your highest self would do in their place.


5. The following Sunday, repeat this process over again and add 5 more minutes to reflect on how things were different for you this week now that you have taken action. Decide what you will continue to do, what you will continue to let go of, and what you want to try and get curious about for the upcoming week!


I am so enthusiastically energized for you to try this process that I teach the leaders, entrepreneurs, and coaches that I mentor… because, GUESS WHAT? IT WORKS!!!


Let me know how it goes by tagging me on your IG stories or leaving a comment below!

Written by Carmen Ohling

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Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

Join Waitlist We will inform you when the product arrives in stock. Please leave your valid email address below.