As we end 2022 and enter into a new year of infinite possibilities, abundance, curiosity, and joy I leave you with a few key thoughts from this year….

As we end 2022 and enter into a new year of infinite possibilities, abundance, curiosity, and joy I leave you with a few key thoughts from this year….

As we end 2022 and enter into a new year of infinite possibilities, abundance, curiosity, and joy I leave you with a few key thoughts from this year….

Be loyal to your dreams.
Find a room where being too much is appreciated.
Distractions delay your blessings; eliminate them.
Strive for a spiritual relationship, not a religion.
If you don’t do it, who’s going to?
You can come back to an old environment and make it a new place.
Be willing to witness your doubt and transform it to possibility.
Setbacks are God’s setups for your next blessing.
You are doing something bigger than yourself.
Listen to your soul and entertain your angels.
It’s easy to be what you have been, the challenge comes to be renewed.
Be bold in your action and soft in your heart.

Which thought hits hard with you today? Hit reply and let me know!

Lastly, I want you to know how important you are to me. I am so deeply appreciative of you being a part of our community. I spent so many years hustling, and feeling like I had to do it all on my own, so building this beautiful community has not only served you but me too. I am forever grateful.

JUST THIS MOMENT: recognize it, enjoy it, remember it, and you will have it forever.

Sending you so much love today,

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A reminder for you today as we close out of 2022 and enter into 2023…

A reminder for you today as we close out of 2022 and enter into 2023…

A reminder for you today as we close out of 2022 and enter into 2023…

The prepared person is positioned to benefit from unexpected opportunities. Continue to build your foundation, lay the groundwork, build a network, study your craft, develop your skills, and stay open to receive miracles daily.

Preparation, organization, systems and discipline are the true keys to living a life of freedom that no one talks about because they are not fun, flashy or sexy.

Where are you lacking systems and discipline in your life?

Begin to create some structure now. Get organized. Get rid of shit you are hanging onto because you might use it one day, and let go of the people, places and things you are simply tolerating. The old stuff you’re handing onto is simply blocking you from your blessings.

Start today, don’t wait for January 1st. Believe me, freedom can be yours!

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17 days Until Christmas…

17 days Until Christmas…

17 days until Christmas…..

…so let’s get a little advise from Winnie the Pooh!

“Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.” – Pooh

“If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – Christopher Robin

“You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” – Pooh

 This is a reminder today that it’s okay to slow down. It’s even better to do what feels good to you, and to take care of yourself. It does not all have to be done today, and guess what it’s okay to ask for help!

Sending you a ton of love, light and high vibes today!

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Can you relate to this quote below?

Can you relate to this quote below?

Can you relate to this quote below? 

Have you ever worked so hard for something and reached it… yet after that celebration and accomplishment, your choices no longer lined up with that high-vibe version of yourself, and felt like you were back to square one? (I am over here raising BOTH of my hands BTW!)

“One good day does not mean you can coast tomorrow. You never have it fully licked. Making good choices is an endless process. Many areas of life that we value most—our relationships, our fitness, our craft—require a continual commitment.” – James Clear

It’s a common way that our ego self sneaks in and tries to self-sabotage us from getting to that next level. The best way to avoid that is to:

  1. Have a plan to follow based on your deepest priorities for this season in your life.
  2. Have a why that you can lean on in the challenging times that is deep and meaningful.
  3. Have access to mentors, leaders, and expanders that can help you think, act and see bigger than your normal everyday circle.

Are you ready to make 2023 the year that you don’t keep taking steps back? Are you ready to fully step into the version of yourself that is fully aligned, intentional, and confident so that you make yourself so damn proud?

If you said YES, then click HERE to book your 2023 Intuitive Planning + Strategy Mapping Session where I will walk you through the exact process I use to build the life of my dreams, exceed my goals, and feel confident, aligned, and free!

Here’s to the best year of your life in 2023!

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Try this today

Try this today

Try this today…

Instead of looking at the hundred reasons to quit, look at the thousand reasons not to give up.

That’s it this week. Most of the time simple is the best, and the most powerful!

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What would it be like if you didn’t give away your energy every day?

What would it be like if you didn’t give away your energy every day?

What would it be like if you didn’t give away your energy every day?

Picture this…. 💭👇

You wake up.
You’re ready to conquer your day.
You put together your list of 20 to-dos for the day.
By the end of the day, you realistically get done 2 and a half things.

You feel overwhelmed, you feel defeated, and you feel like everyone else owns your time but you… your family, your clients, your team.- because you are committed to showing up for them. Everyone else has control of your time but you.

Do you ever feel like this? 🤔

Here’s what I want you to know: 👇

✨ It’s a choice, and the overwhelm that you feel is not because you have too much to do, it’s because you are not clear on what you want in this season of your life, and you are trying to be everything for everyone all the time.

❣️ Are you ready to gain clarity on what you truly want in this season of your life and finally stop the overwhelm?

❣️ I know you’ve heard me talking about the Flow Academy and you want to join, but….

You’re too busy already.
You think you should wait until “next year.”
You don’t feel like you should spend the money on yourself.
You’re unsure if this is for you, but inside you feel a strong pull.
You are fearful if you will succeed and keep the commitment to yourself.

✨ I hear you. I used to feel like this too. But what I want you to know is once I stepped out of my comfort zone and confronted my comfort vs catering to it things started to shift. I hired a coach, I push myself to build new upleveled relationships, I did the work on myself and then I used what I learned to accelerate my business!

❣️ I encourage you to say yes to yourself and join us in Flow Academy today! If you hit REPLY now I will even give you a personalized discount code you can use to save $$!

Here’s to doing the work together + getting to the next level! 🙌

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Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

Join Waitlist We will inform you when the product arrives in stock. Please leave your valid email address below.