What will YOUR 2019 look like?
2019 Is going to be YOUR best year EVER!
If you’re like me, you’re super excited to welcome in 2019 and all the opportunities for personal, business and spiritual growth that it offers each of us. And, if you’re not excited- it’s time to start and I can help- keep reading! New Year’s is a special and sacred time where we can feel proud of what we’ve accomplished and grateful for all that we’ve experienced. Plus, we can set ourselves up to attract our desires, reach out goals, stay open to guidance and live our best lives possible!
Let’s start by dreaming big and imaging our vision in detail of everything that we wish to bring into our lives. Did you know that in numerology the number 2019 resonates with creative self-expression, relationships, optimism, inspiration, tolerance and inclusiveness? When you’re dreaming of your 2019 vision, image expressing it as a person who tends to be optimistic. A person who has a rich ability to creative self-expression, a person who is tolerant and compassionate, and a person who is innately aware of their own infinite potential.
The next part it a little more challenging- visualizing how to get those dreams into action. Don’t worry, I’ve put together my 3 top tips to help you get there!
#1: Get to know and stay in touch with your why and don’t forget to dream big!
Be unapologetic about your BIG VISION. Your vision should be totally limitless, and while you may not be able to reach your vision in just one year, it will get you into the right direction. Once you’ve created your vision, then ask yourself- WHY? This is an important step because when you have a strong motivation attached to your vision, you’re much more likely to achieve it. For example, if you set a goal to make $10k per month in 2019, you then can discover your why. Maybe it is so you can spend more quality time with your family or give more money to your favorite charity or maybe it’s traveling for a week 4 times during the year. You see once you know your why, that dream becomes much more real and tangible!
#2: Set a plan but be flexible
Once you have your BIG vision and you are connected to your why, now you can set a plan by choosing a specific goal that will help you reach your big vision. Now that you have your goal, I recommend doing what I like to call a brain dump. A brain dump is everything and anything that you need to do in order to reach your goal. The things you put on this list should take only 15-60 minutes, no longer. If they are longer than 60 minutes, break them down more! Then, take this list and prioritize what to do first, and pick on thing to do per day. I know your thinking, just one thing? Believe me it works! When you add too much to your plate you end up getting side tracked and only doing things half assed- never actually getting them done. When you are moving through each day without completing any of the tasks that lead you to reaching your goal, this creates stress, anxiety and overwhelm. No one wants that, so please do the one thing and move on…. Here’s the tricky part- life is going to happen, so be flexible! Things will need to adjust or maybe even change; allow yourself some space for this to happen.
#3: Make self-awareness, self-care and self-love a priority
Here’s a fact that most people ignore: IF YOU DO NOT MAKE YOUR PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH A PRIORITY YOU ARE GOING TO SUFFER. Hey, you might be able to eventually reach your goals but how do you feel- like shit if you ask me! The focus should always be placing a priority on feeling good every day. So, what makes you feel good? I encourage you to figure that out and create a daily routine to support that. For myself I know that when I spend time in the morning reading, setting intentions, journaling and moving my body right away- I feel good. I know I feel good when I eat nutrient dense foods. I know I feel good when I take breaks during the day to walk. I know I feel good when I am in service of others. I know I feel good when I make true connections. I know I feel good when I check in with myself throughout the day and reframe my thoughts, if needed. So again, I ask you- what makes you feel good?
Why not make 2019 the year you re-connect with yourself, the year you finally put yourself first, and the year that you become so self-aware that it is actually easy to become radically responsible for you own life and happiness? Why not live your best life in 2019!!
Lastly, I will leave you with this important reminder. If your goals include: getting into the best shape of your life, learning better eating habits, creating wealth, or simply just taking better care of yourself- DITCH THE GUILT. I promise you nothing that you could have eaten or spent too much money on or skipped a workout for, could be as unhealthy for you as the negative self-talk and old shitty stories that you are telling yourself in your head. DON’T PUNISH YOURSELF for it, LEARN FROM it and do better next time. Let’s make 2019 your best year EVER and create so much self-love by loving your amazing body STARTING TODAY and caring for it inside and out.
Sending you light and love for an amazing 2019,
Do you feel like you need more help? Reach out here and we’ll chat!