My circumstance does not dictate my success, happiness, or my worth.

My circumstance does not dictate my success, happiness, or my worth.

Here’s what I wish I had learned years ago: My circumstance does not dictate my success, happiness, or my worth.
I remember a time when I would allow my external circumstances to steal my peace, to make me feel less than others, to second guess myself, and to leave me in an overthinking, undisciplined state of being. Actually, it was like an undisciplined state of doing- because to avoid that I needed to feel and process what I was constantly doing!
And, then I would take all this bullshit and wrap it up into a tiny package, push it way down inside me, and feel like I could never measure up no matter how hard I tried. As I am typing this it actually brings tears to my eyes because I remember that feeling…
😔 Never being good enough.
😔 Always striving and doing but never feeling fulfilled.
😔 Feeling alone, even though I was surrounded by other and that I had to do it all on my own.
😔 No matter what I did I could just never reach that place that it seemed like everyone else had already reached and I was behind.
All of that damn pressure, and not to mention the numbing out with food, alcohol, and my favorite working…
If you have ever felt this way I want you to know I am here. I feel this and so do 100’s and 100’s of other women.
👉 I am ready to hold space for you and share with you the secrets I have discovered and the methodology I have created to finally GET UNSTUCK in your life!
❣️ If this hits home, join us for the Get Coached Challenge on March 21-23rd. It’s totally free and 100% fully immersive so you will walk away forever changed. Click HERE to save your seat.
I want to hear from you today too! 👂 If you made it this far send me a quick note and let me know what’s coming up for you today when you read this and I’ll get you going even before the challenge begins later this month!
Take a moment right now and take these words in….

Take a moment right now and take these words in….

Take a moment right now and take these words in….

I am asking that your courage today be amplified, that your eyes be renewed with a fresh vision, and that you are guided to embrace, without hesitation, the incredible potential that is inside of you!

Take a deep breath, hold it for a moment, and then release it with a long sigh. Read the message again, feel it deep within your spirit, and take another long deep breath.

Now, you’re ready for the day- take it, it’s yours!

Written by Carmen Ohling

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“Everything is permissible but not beneficial.”

“Everything is permissible but not beneficial.”

Here’s an idea that I heard this week….

“Everything is permissible but not beneficial.”

Interesting, right? It’s a similar idea that you can do anything and everything – just not at the same time. (Even though we try to…)

What are you allowing in your life that is not beneficial?

Keep this in mind today. Often we obtain things, save things, and cling to things that are not for us, and we want more, it’s never enough. Freedom comes when you can let go of unnecessary attachments and start aligning yourself with only what’s meant for you in this season of your life.

Isn’t contemplation beautiful? Let me know what you think!

Sending you lots of love and light,


Written by Carmen Ohling

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The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

What would your life be like if you focused each day on ruthlessly eliminating hurry?

A few years ago, I made it my daily intention to build my life, business, and relationships in a way that allowed me to not be in a hurry or rush through the moments in my life.

Here are a few thoughts I had about being so frantic in my life previously… 👇

😥 I overlook things when I rush.
😥 The Universe tests me when I rush.
😥 The worst parts of me show up when I’m in a hurry.
😥 Hurrying distracts me from the present moment.

Basically, I miss out on all the magic, wonder, joy, synchronicities, and miracles when I am in a hurry.

What about you? What does being in a hurried, rushed frantic state cost you?

Hit reply, lets chat or DM me on IG or tag me on your stories with your thoughts!

Talk soon,


Written by Carmen Ohling

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Two Ideas From Flow Academy That Hit Home With Everyone And Made A Big Impact

Two Ideas From Flow Academy That Hit Home With Everyone And Made A Big Impact

Two ideas from Flow Academy this week that hit home with everyone and made a big impact, so I wanted to share them with you too!

#1: Have the courage to be a truth teller, to speak your authentic truth. What do I mean? Often we are not willing to speak our truth (or our full truth) because we are afraid if we tell our truth, we will not be loved or accepted. So, we abandon ourselves to belong to a group.

Can you relate to #1? Hit reply and let me know. The antidote to this is gaining massive clarity on what you desire and what your deepest priorities are in your life in this particular season of your life!

#2: Perspective shift…. Stress does not come from what’s going on in our life; stress comes from your thoughts about it. AND… Worry does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, but it steals today’s peace.

Can you relate to #2? Hit reply and let me know. The antidote to this is learning the tools to uncover your subconscious beliefs, being super present and aware in each moment of your life, and graciously choosing to reframe and think a higher vibrational thought.

Each of these antidotes are “practices” that you get better at over time, so start today. And, if you find this valuable, consider joining us later in 2023 when we kick off the next Flow Academy on May 1st! Click HERE to be the first to know and have access to exclusive discounts.

Here’s to truth-telling and high-vibrational thoughts… TOGETHER!!

Written by Carmen Ohling

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Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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