Here’s what I wish I had learned years ago: My circumstance does not dictate my success, happiness, or my worth.
I remember a time when I would allow my external circumstances to steal my peace, to make me feel less than others, to second guess myself, and to leave me in an overthinking, undisciplined state of being. Actually, it was like an undisciplined state of doing- because to avoid that I needed to feel and process what I was constantly doing!
And, then I would take all this bullshit and wrap it up into a tiny package, push it way down inside me, and feel like I could never measure up no matter how hard I tried. As I am typing this it actually brings tears to my eyes because I remember that feeling…
😔 Never being good enough.
😔 Always striving and doing but never feeling fulfilled.
😔 Feeling alone, even though I was surrounded by other and that I had to do it all on my own.
😔 No matter what I did I could just never reach that place that it seemed like everyone else had already reached and I was behind.
All of that damn pressure, and not to mention the numbing out with food, alcohol, and my favorite working…
If you have ever felt this way I want you to know I am here. I feel this and so do 100’s and 100’s of other women.
👉 I am ready to hold space for you and share with you the secrets I have discovered and the methodology I have created to finally GET UNSTUCK in your life!
If this hits home, join us for the Get Coached Challenge on March 21-23rd. It’s totally
free and 100% fully immersive so you will walk away forever changed. Click
HERE to save your seat.
I want to hear from you today too! 👂 If you made it this far send me a quick note and let me know what’s coming up for you today when you read this and I’ll get you going even before the challenge begins later this month!