There is still time to always celebrate and show yourself self-love.

There is still time to always celebrate and show yourself self-love.

Sending you so much LOVE today! Even though Valentine’s Day is over, there is still time to always celebrate and show yourself self-love.

Below are a few ways I encourage you to try out:

First, why not make a commitment to one act of genuine self-love each day for the remainder of February; heck, or why not always- you pick!

💗 Take the time each day to nourish your skin by rubbing in organic coconut oil while speaking words of gratitude for your body.

💗 Go on a walk without your phone, music, or any distractions.

💗 Take yourself on a solo coffee date, or better yet dinner date.

💗 Read for pleasure or work on a hobby that requires you to produce zero, yet fills you with joy.

💗 Start a project you’ve been putting off.

💗 Organize something and let a few physical possessions go.

💗 Make a meal FULL of color. (recipe ideas are below)

💗 Book a massage, reiki session, sound healing, breathwork, or slow-flow yoga to rejuvenate your mind and soul.

💗 Listen to a relaxing song while taking slow, deep breaths.

💗 Smile, place your hands on your heart, and tell yourself you love yourself.

Happy Self-Love Time!!


Written by Carmen Ohling

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What are you a YES for in your life?

What are you a YES for in your life?

What are you a YES for in your life?

I am a yes for health, joy, serving at my highest alignment, deep connections, charging my worth, feeling and acting sexy AF, staying curious, and being a lifelong learner…

So what are you a YES for in your daily life? Maybe your current YES no longer fits. Maybe you feel deep resistance, yet you are staying and silently allowing what doesn’t fit to be in your life.

Or, what if you courageously began to step into your next level creation of who you are truly called to become? What if you let go of what no longer fit and started being a YES for your next level’s highest self?

I encourage you today to sit with these two questions and answer them honestly. The guidance I have been receiving for myself and the collective over and over again is that 2023 is the year of radical self-honesty in order to gain the clarity and confidence that we all need to step fulling into our highest calling and let go of what no longer fits.

Lastly, if you’re still on the fence here, consider this:

God will not bless you where you pretend to be, he can only bless you where you are. And, on top of that, God can’t change what you won’t release.

The two questions:
What am I a YES for in life?
What no longer fits?


Sending you so much love and light,


Written by Carmen Ohling

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Breaking the Cycle: How Leaders Can Overcome Self-Sabotage

Breaking the Cycle: How Leaders Can Overcome Self-Sabotage

Breaking the Cycle: How Leaders Can Overcome Self-Sabotage Today, we’re diving into something that often flies under the radar but can seriously impact your success: self-sabotage. Leaders can unknowingly get in their own way—so let’s break down how this happens and,...

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This week I want to talk to you about FULLY believing in yourself….

This week I want to talk to you about FULLY believing in yourself….

This week I want to talk to you about FULLY believing in yourself….

Why? Because last month I discovered that while I had vision and I had faith, I did not fully BELIVE that I could do it or that it (fill in your “it) could/would happen for me. WFT?!?!

This lack of belief caused me to procrastinate, not be decisive, not operate at my fullest and best potential each day, and get distracted easily with the things that were “good” vs the things that are GREAT!

Can you relate? Do you feel this? Knowing you are capable and fully believing that you can are to totally different things!

Here’s what I want you to know:

Before we can bless others, we must become an individual where blessings are capable of flowing. Good work must happen WITHIN US before it manifests THROUGH US. Miracles and abundant blessings start with a vision, faith that we are always supported and guided, and the FULL belief to know it is possible and we are capable, even when we cannot yet see the end results!

Let me tell you, my beautiful friend.. it’s time we all start operating out of belief and expectation, rather than our past experiences. There is something so much bigger, bolder, and expansive on the horizon for each of us, but we must believe it to seize it!

Are you ready to step into FULL BELIEF? Comment below and let me know by simply typing: I BELIEVE!

Lots of light and love to you,

Written by Carmen Ohling

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Breaking the Cycle: How Leaders Can Overcome Self-Sabotage

Breaking the Cycle: How Leaders Can Overcome Self-Sabotage Today, we’re diving into something that often flies under the radar but can seriously impact your success: self-sabotage. Leaders can unknowingly get in their own way—so let’s break down how this happens and,...

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Today I am writing to you about: Your Authentic Self!

Today I am writing to you about: Your Authentic Self!

Today I am writing to you about: Your Authentic Self!

I spent so many years of my life disconnected from my Self (notice I used a CAPITAL S- that’s my truest expression of me, my most authentic Self) and woke up in my early thirties completely burned out, confused and wondering why I didn’t feel happy. Outwardly I had it all, the family, the house, the partner, the successful career, my health, and a thriving social life.

One day I had enough, and while I could not put it into words, I put this into words when Joal and I spoke about it: “I don’t exactly know, but I am going to figure it out.” This is the basis for all of my coaching, teaching, speaking, and training that I do. I am an expert because not only do I hold the certifications and trainings but more importantly, I have LIVED IT. And I am still on my journey of meeting my most authentic Self and sharing her with the world.

Can you relate to this? Are you ready to meet your most authentic Self? Hit reply and let me know!

And if you’re still thinking about it, keep thinking but only until April because that’s when the doors open again to Flow Academy, the most expansive holistic life and leadership coaching academy there is to date. So think for a little longer, AND be sure to click HERE and get on the list to be the first to know all the details for the upcoming Spring enrollment!

Sending you a ton of love and light,


Written by Carmen Ohling

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Breaking the Cycle: How Leaders Can Overcome Self-Sabotage

Breaking the Cycle: How Leaders Can Overcome Self-Sabotage Today, we’re diving into something that often flies under the radar but can seriously impact your success: self-sabotage. Leaders can unknowingly get in their own way—so let’s break down how this happens and,...

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The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask….

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask….

A few thoughts and questions for you to get curious about in your life today my friend. Because the quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask….

Happiness does not depend on what you have or what you have accomplished. It relies solely on what you think. On the flip side, Worry does not take away tomorrow’s troubles; it takes away today’s peace.

Stop diminishing what’s in you because for some reason you feel like it’s insignificant compared to what someone else does or has. You are most likely going to have to lay down something in your life currently to experience the beauty of what you truly desire.

Ask yourself:

  1. What am I basing my happiness on in my life currently?
  2. Where am I allowing worry to steal my peace?
  3. What am I ready to lay down in my life so I can fully experience the beauty I desire?
  4. Where can I fully step into what is inside of me?

Need a little push? Feel free to reply back and we can chat about how to get you into action because you know what…. THE WORLD NEEDS MORE OF YOU!

Lots of love today to you,


Written by Carmen Ohling

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Breaking the Cycle: How Leaders Can Overcome Self-Sabotage

Breaking the Cycle: How Leaders Can Overcome Self-Sabotage Today, we’re diving into something that often flies under the radar but can seriously impact your success: self-sabotage. Leaders can unknowingly get in their own way—so let’s break down how this happens and,...

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Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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