Curious, what do you have planned this summer that you are excited about?

Curious, what do you have planned this summer that you are excited about?

Curious, what do you have planned this summer that you are excited about? I want to hear! Hit reply and let me know!

I am excited to be home for most of June and July in my bliss bubble of Miami Beach. Joal and I will be traveling to Oregon for a wedding and then to Vegas for the Beyonce concert in August. Then, back to Oregon in September for the Permission Slip Retreat in the majestic mountains of Redmond, Oregon.

I love summer, do you?

Excited to hear from you!

Sending lots of love and light,


More From This Category

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

I remember the day I realized that through all my striving, achieving, goal setting, and planning, I was still deeply unfulfilled.    Specifically, it was November 2003, and I was sitting in my Tahoe before kicking off the day with a team sales meeting, drinking my...

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How To Get To The Next Level In Your Life, Business, Health, Or Relationships

How To Get To The Next Level In Your Life, Business, Health, Or Relationships

Today I want to share with you how to get to the next level in your life, business, health, or relationships… whatever it is you are desiring, it can be yours!

It starts with contentment….

In the pursuit of reaching new heights in life, it is essential to find contentment and acknowledge the blessings we have received in our lives. When you appreciate what you have, what you have appreciates….

and turns to expectancy for our deepest dreams and desires….

While being grateful for our present circumstances, it is equally important to nurture a sense of expectancy and hope for the abundant blessings that await us. As the quote wisely suggests, “Speak what you seek until you see what you said.” By affirming our dreams and desires, we align ourselves with the positive energy of manifestation….

and then we can take action from this place of hope, faith, and strength….

Today, I want you to feel encouraged, no matter where you are on your journey- know that you are on the best path designed uniquely for you. Remember that there are no wrong choices when you are guided by your inner knowing and the faith that dwells within you. Continue to take intentional action, for it is through your actions that the universe responds to your heartfelt intentions.

Embrace contentment, speak words of positivity and hope, and hold steadfast to your faith. The abundant blessings you seek are already on their way to you. Keep moving forward with unwavering determination, knowing that you are destined for greatness.


Sending you so much light and love today,


More From This Category

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

I remember the day I realized that through all my striving, achieving, goal setting, and planning, I was still deeply unfulfilled.    Specifically, it was November 2003, and I was sitting in my Tahoe before kicking off the day with a team sales meeting, drinking my...

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These two themes continue to be presented to me this year…

These two themes continue to be presented to me this year…

These two themes continue to be presented to me this year:

1. There has never been a time such as this.

2. Everything is beneficial, yet not permissible.

Read these two ideas again. Get out your journal and write what comes up for you for each of the ideas. To each of us these ideas could mean something different based on our own unique desires, season of life, and our past experiences. Let’s break this down a little…


1.    Desires: What you truly want. Know that if you have not adequately given yourself the time and space to discern what is it you truly desire, you most likely are not tapped into your deepest desires. You are going after something because of your external environment, or because you are looking to please or be approved by others. Take the time to figure out your desires my beautiful friend, it will change things for you!

2.    Season of Life: As we move through life, we move through seasons where there is a natural letting go of the old and bringing in of new life. Focus in on the letting go part of this, because if we keep adding and adding on things in life it will become too overwhelming. Our focuses and needs should change over time, allow this to happen!

3.    Past Experiences: This is where you may just be holding yourself back. We all have a set of beliefs that we have build over time based on our conditioning, experiences, societal pressures, and small or large traumas. These beliefs begin to shape our choices, and often they are shaping our lives through our subconscious, and we are unaware. Start noticing your beliefs, because the most beautiful thing about beliefs is that they can be the ultimate catalyst for change. For each belief you uncover, ask yourself: Do I want to hold, challenge, or change this belief?

Now, back to the two ideas. Here’s a snapshot of what they mean to me:

1. There has never been a time such as this.

I am being called to elevate even high and lift other up to do the same. I am deepening my belief that being the one to show the world how great life can be is the catalyst to healing the world.

2. Everything is beneficial, yet not permissible.

I can be good at almost anything I do. However, not all good things are God things. Going for all the good things in life keep me from going for the great things that I am being called to do in this season of my life.


Lastly, did you like learning this today? Consider joining us in Flow Academy when enrollment opens in September, we talk about these principles and more!


Sending you so much light and love,


More From This Category

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

I remember the day I realized that through all my striving, achieving, goal setting, and planning, I was still deeply unfulfilled.    Specifically, it was November 2003, and I was sitting in my Tahoe before kicking off the day with a team sales meeting, drinking my...

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Have you ever felt this way? Resistance. Uncertainty. Feeling Stuck.

Have you ever felt this way? Resistance. Uncertainty. Feeling Stuck.

Feeling Stuck.

Whatever you want to call it, it’s uncomfortable. This is what I have been sitting with over the last month. I’ve been in a state of curiosity and asking God, what do you have for me today? Where do you want me to go, what do you want me to do, what do you want me to say and to whom? Guess what I got back in return, nothing. So back to…

Feeling Stuck.

Have you ever felt this way? I know I have multiple times, however, this something was different this time. This time allowed for the resistance, I pushed into the uncertainty, and I kept asking, listening, and believing that my next level calling (think of your calling like your life’s assignment) and a vision for my life would come and it would be even more beautiful, impactful, and inspiring than I had ever dreamed! And I continued to do the work that I have been doing, I continued to take care of myself, I continued to nurture my most important relationships, and I continued to be dedicated to being the best version of myself daily. In the past, I would have logically tried to “figure it out” logically or make this time of uncertainty “mean something about me” and start something new. I was always thinking I needed to be “doing something” in order to feel successful and worthy. NOT. TRUE.

The result? What I learned was a huge opportunity for celebration- the dreams and vision I had for my life and my business have come true!! What I had been manifesting and co-creating is now a part of my everyday life. I feel so deeply grateful. However, I also uncovered that there was a slight fear inside of me of what is next. I know that it will take a new version of myself that I have yet to meet, one that has been patiently waiting for me to show up, but it will take courage, asking for help, doing new things, and possibly failing, and then showing up again with energy and enthusiasm for the new assignment that furthers my purpose.

And so beautifully, over the last two days, new visions and guidance have been revealed to me and I am so excited to share with you soon what’s next for me, what’s next for us as a community, and how you can be a part of it all!

If you are in resistance, uncertainty, or feeling like you are stuck; know that you’re not. Your next blessing, miracle, and assignment are waiting for you when you believe, take time to get still to listen, and stay in action around your current vision. If you do this, the vision beyond the vision will come and it will exceed even your wildest dreams!

I’d love to hear from you when it does! What is your vision beyond the vision?

Here’s to being the one to show the world how truly great life can be, together.

I am so grateful for you,


More From This Category

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

I remember the day I realized that through all my striving, achieving, goal setting, and planning, I was still deeply unfulfilled.    Specifically, it was November 2003, and I was sitting in my Tahoe before kicking off the day with a team sales meeting, drinking my...

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I was thinking of Winnie the Pooh again today, and I wanted to share this with you..

I was thinking of Winnie the Pooh again today, and I wanted to share this with you..

I was thinking of Winnie the Pooh again today, and I wanted to share this with you..

“Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.” – Pooh

✨ “If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – Christopher Robin

✨ “You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” – Pooh

This is a reminder today that it’s okay to slow down. It’s even better to do what feels good to you, and to take care of yourself. It does not all have to be done today, and guess what it’s okay to ask for help! (Asking for help is actually a superpower!)

Sending you a ton of love, light and high vibes today!

More From This Category

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

I remember the day I realized that through all my striving, achieving, goal setting, and planning, I was still deeply unfulfilled.    Specifically, it was November 2003, and I was sitting in my Tahoe before kicking off the day with a team sales meeting, drinking my...

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Are you ready for something new in your life, your business, your relationships, or your health?

Are you ready for something new in your life, your business, your relationships, or your health?

Are you ready for something new in your life, your business, your relationships, or your health? Life is all about learning and growing, it’s all part of the journey. One thing that I have learned that has helped me so much is this:
“It’s hard to grow beyond something if you won’t let go of it.”
For years, I desired something different, but I still was clinging to my old comforts that kept in in the same place. We all have a deep desire to be safe, seen, soothed, and secure and our subconscious mind (AKA our ego self/the identity we’ve built based on our conditioning) works to keep us close to these comforts.
What do I mean by my comforts?
Let me share with you some of mine. The #1 comfort I often cling to is staying busy, always being action- because guess what… when I am busy I can continue to ignore what I really need to address, it’s just easier.
Another comfort I discovered a few years ago is scrolling social media. I would tell myself “I have to be on it because I am using it for work.” UNTRUE!
Yes, I set aside time to engage with everyone, but I do not have to be on there all day long, in fact the longer that I am on there the crappier I feel. (TRUTH BOMB right there, how about you?)
Other comforts I’ve clung to in the past are food, alcohol, watching TV, and buying things I really don’t need- again someone they helped me sooth myself and make me feel safe.
What are your comforts? Really think about this today. Isn’t it time you let them go so that you can grow beyond them?
If you’d like more guidance around this idea, feel free to book a Personalized Flow Session With our Holistic Life Coaching Community to help get you unstuck and into action. Click HERE to grab your time.

More From This Category

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

The Moment That Changed My Life: My Journey of Curiosity

I remember the day I realized that through all my striving, achieving, goal setting, and planning, I was still deeply unfulfilled.    Specifically, it was November 2003, and I was sitting in my Tahoe before kicking off the day with a team sales meeting, drinking my...

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Are you finally ready to let go of doing it all, feeling overwhelmed and not finding joy in your life? I remember the day I said “no more” and  I let it all go!  I’ve created this guide with 3 simple steps for you to get started and find more joy in your everyday life and way less stress!

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